view src/Extensional.v @ 180:de33d1ed7c63

Templatize Extensional
author Adam Chlipala <>
date Mon, 10 Nov 2008 14:17:26 -0500
parents 8f3fc56b90d4
children ec44782bffdd
line wrap: on
line source
(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala
 * This work is licensed under a
 * Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
 * Unported License.
 * The license text is available at:

(* begin hide *)
Require Import String List.

Require Import AxiomsImpred Tactics DepList.

Set Implicit Arguments.
(* end hide *)

(** %\chapter{Certifying Extensional Transformations}% *)

(** TODO: Prose for this chapter *)

(** * Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus *)

Module STLC.
  Module Source.
    Inductive type : Type :=
    | TNat : type
    | Arrow : type -> type -> type.

    Notation "'Nat'" := TNat : source_scope.
    Infix "-->" := Arrow (right associativity, at level 60) : source_scope.

    Open Scope source_scope.
    Bind Scope source_scope with type.
    Delimit Scope source_scope with source.

    Section vars.
      Variable var : type -> Type.

      Inductive exp : type -> Type :=
      | Var : forall t,
        var t
        -> exp t

      | Const : nat -> exp Nat
      | Plus : exp Nat -> exp Nat -> exp Nat

      | App : forall t1 t2,
        exp (t1 --> t2)
        -> exp t1
        -> exp t2
      | Abs : forall t1 t2,
        (var t1 -> exp t2)
        -> exp (t1 --> t2).
    End vars.

    Definition Exp t := forall var, exp var t.

    Implicit Arguments Var [var t].
    Implicit Arguments Const [var].
    Implicit Arguments Plus [var].
    Implicit Arguments App [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Abs [var t1 t2].

    Notation "# v" := (Var v) (at level 70) : source_scope.

    Notation "^ n" := (Const n) (at level 70) : source_scope.
    Infix "+^" := Plus (left associativity, at level 79) : source_scope.

    Infix "@" := App (left associativity, at level 77) : source_scope.
    Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : source_scope.
    Notation "\ ! , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : source_scope.

    Bind Scope source_scope with exp.

    Definition zero : Exp Nat := fun _ => ^0.
    Definition one : Exp Nat := fun _ => ^1.
    Definition zpo : Exp Nat := fun _ => zero _ +^ one _.
    Definition ident : Exp (Nat --> Nat) := fun _ => \x, #x.
    Definition app_ident : Exp Nat := fun _ => ident _ @ zpo _.
    Definition app : Exp ((Nat --> Nat) --> Nat --> Nat) := fun _ =>
      \f, \x, #f @ #x.
    Definition app_ident' : Exp Nat := fun _ => app _ @ ident _ @ zpo _.

    Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Set :=
      match t with
        | Nat => nat
        | t1 --> t2 => typeDenote t1 -> typeDenote t2

    Fixpoint expDenote t (e : exp typeDenote t) {struct e} : typeDenote t :=
      match e in (exp _ t) return (typeDenote t) with
        | Var _ v => v
        | Const n => n
        | Plus e1 e2 => expDenote e1 + expDenote e2
        | App _ _ e1 e2 => (expDenote e1) (expDenote e2)
        | Abs _ _ e' => fun x => expDenote (e' x)

    Definition ExpDenote t (e : Exp t) := expDenote (e _).

(* begin thide *)
    Section exp_equiv.
      Variables var1 var2 : type -> Type.

      Inductive exp_equiv : list { t : type & var1 t * var2 t }%type -> forall t, exp var1 t -> exp var2 t -> Prop :=
      | EqEVar : forall G t (v1 : var1 t) v2,
        In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G
        -> exp_equiv G (#v1) (#v2)

      | EqEConst : forall G n,
        exp_equiv G (^n) (^n)
      | EqEPlus : forall G x1 y1 x2 y2,
        exp_equiv G x1 x2
        -> exp_equiv G y1 y2
        -> exp_equiv G (x1 +^ y1) (x2 +^ y2)

      | EqEApp : forall G t1 t2 (f1 : exp _ (t1 --> t2)) (x1 : exp _ t1) f2 x2,
        exp_equiv G f1 f2
        -> exp_equiv G x1 x2
        -> exp_equiv G (f1 @ x1) (f2 @ x2)
      | EqEAbs : forall G t1 t2 (f1 : var1 t1 -> exp var1 t2) f2,
        (forall v1 v2, exp_equiv (existT _ t1 (v1, v2) :: G) (f1 v1) (f2 v2))
        -> exp_equiv G (Abs f1) (Abs f2).
    End exp_equiv.

    Axiom Exp_equiv : forall t (E : Exp t) var1 var2,
      exp_equiv nil (E var1) (E var2).
(* end thide *)
  End Source.

  Module CPS.
    Inductive type : Type :=
    | TNat : type
    | Cont : type -> type
    | TUnit : type
    | Prod : type -> type -> type.

    Notation "'Nat'" := TNat : cps_scope.
    Notation "'Unit'" := TUnit : cps_scope.
    Notation "t --->" := (Cont t) (at level 61) : cps_scope.
    Infix "**" := Prod (right associativity, at level 60) : cps_scope.

    Bind Scope cps_scope with type.
    Delimit Scope cps_scope with cps.

    Section vars.
      Variable var : type -> Type.

      Inductive prog : Type :=
      | PHalt :
        var Nat
        -> prog
      | App : forall t,
        var (t --->)
        -> var t
        -> prog
      | Bind : forall t,
        primop t
        -> (var t -> prog)
        -> prog

      with primop : type -> Type :=
      | Var : forall t,
        var t
        -> primop t
      | Const : nat -> primop Nat
      | Plus : var Nat -> var Nat -> primop Nat
      | Abs : forall t,
        (var t -> prog)
        -> primop (t --->)

      | Pair : forall t1 t2,
        var t1
        -> var t2
        -> primop (t1 ** t2)
      | Fst : forall t1 t2,
        var (t1 ** t2)
        -> primop t1
      | Snd : forall t1 t2,
        var (t1 ** t2)
        -> primop t2.
    End vars.

    Implicit Arguments PHalt [var].
    Implicit Arguments App [var t].

    Implicit Arguments Var [var t].
    Implicit Arguments Const [var].
    Implicit Arguments Plus [var].
    Implicit Arguments Abs [var t].
    Implicit Arguments Pair [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Fst [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Snd [var t1 t2].

    Notation "'Halt' x" := (PHalt x) (no associativity, at level 75) : cps_scope.
    Infix "@@" := App (no associativity, at level 75) : cps_scope.
    Notation "x <- p ; e" := (Bind p (fun x => e))
      (right associativity, at level 76, p at next level) : cps_scope.
    Notation "! <- p ; e" := (Bind p (fun _ => e))
      (right associativity, at level 76, p at next level) : cps_scope.

    Notation "# v" := (Var v) (at level 70) : cps_scope.

    Notation "^ n" := (Const n) (at level 70) : cps_scope.
    Infix "+^" := Plus (left associativity, at level 79) : cps_scope.

    Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : cps_scope.
    Notation "\ ! , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : cps_scope.

    Notation "[ x1 , x2 ]" := (Pair x1 x2) : cps_scope.
    Notation "#1 x" := (Fst x) (at level 72) : cps_scope.
    Notation "#2 x" := (Snd x) (at level 72) : cps_scope.

    Bind Scope cps_scope with prog primop.

    Open Scope cps_scope.

    Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Set :=
      match t with
        | Nat => nat
        | t' ---> => typeDenote t' -> nat
        | Unit => unit
        | t1 ** t2 => (typeDenote t1 * typeDenote t2)%type

    Fixpoint progDenote (e : prog typeDenote) : nat :=
      match e with
        | PHalt n => n
        | App _ f x => f x
        | Bind _ p x => progDenote (x (primopDenote p))

    with primopDenote t (p : primop typeDenote t) {struct p} : typeDenote t :=
      match p in (primop _ t) return (typeDenote t) with
        | Var _ v => v

        | Const n => n
        | Plus n1 n2 => n1 + n2

        | Abs _ e => fun x => progDenote (e x)

        | Pair _ _ v1 v2 => (v1, v2)
        | Fst _ _ v => fst v
        | Snd _ _ v => snd v

    Definition Prog := forall var, prog var.
    Definition Primop t := forall var, primop var t.
    Definition ProgDenote (E : Prog) := progDenote (E _).
    Definition PrimopDenote t (P : Primop t) := primopDenote (P _).
  End CPS.

  Import Source CPS.

(* begin thide *)
  Fixpoint cpsType (t : Source.type) : CPS.type :=
    match t with
      | Nat => Nat%cps
      | t1 --> t2 => (cpsType t1 ** (cpsType t2 --->) --->)%cps

  Reserved Notation "x <-- e1 ; e2" (right associativity, at level 76, e1 at next level).

  Section cpsExp.
    Variable var : CPS.type -> Type.

    Import Source.
    Open Scope cps_scope.

    Fixpoint cpsExp t (e : exp (fun t => var (cpsType t)) t) {struct e}
      : (var (cpsType t) -> prog var) -> prog var :=
      match e in (exp _ t) return ((var (cpsType t) -> prog var) -> prog var) with
        | Var _ v => fun k => k v

        | Const n => fun k =>
          x <- ^n;
          k x
        | Plus e1 e2 => fun k =>
          x1 <-- e1;
          x2 <-- e2;
          x <- x1 +^ x2;
          k x

        | App _ _ e1 e2 => fun k =>
          f <-- e1;
          x <-- e2;
          kf <- \r, k r;
          p <- [x, kf];
          f @@ p
        | Abs _ _ e' => fun k =>
          f <- CPS.Abs (var := var) (fun p =>
            x <- #1 p;
            kf <- #2 p;
            r <-- e' x;
            kf @@ r);
          k f

      where "x <-- e1 ; e2" := (cpsExp e1 (fun x => e2)).
  End cpsExp.

  Notation "x <-- e1 ; e2" := (cpsExp e1 (fun x => e2)) : cps_scope.
  Notation "! <-- e1 ; e2" := (cpsExp e1 (fun _ => e2))
    (right associativity, at level 76, e1 at next level) : cps_scope.

  Implicit Arguments cpsExp [var t].
  Definition CpsExp (E : Exp Nat) : Prog :=
    fun var => cpsExp (E _) (PHalt (var := _)).
(* end thide *)

  Eval compute in CpsExp zero.
  Eval compute in CpsExp one.
  Eval compute in CpsExp zpo.
  Eval compute in CpsExp app_ident.
  Eval compute in CpsExp app_ident'.

  Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp zero).
  Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp one).
  Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp zpo).
  Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp app_ident).
  Eval compute in ProgDenote (CpsExp app_ident').

(* begin thide *)
  Fixpoint lr (t : Source.type) : Source.typeDenote t -> CPS.typeDenote (cpsType t) -> Prop :=
    match t return (Source.typeDenote t -> CPS.typeDenote (cpsType t) -> Prop) with
      | Nat => fun n1 n2 => n1 = n2
      | t1 --> t2 => fun f1 f2 =>
        forall x1 x2, lr _ x1 x2
          -> forall k, exists r,
            f2 (x2, k) = k r
            /\ lr _ (f1 x1) r

  Lemma cpsExp_correct : forall G t (e1 : exp _ t) (e2 : exp _ t),
    exp_equiv G e1 e2
    -> (forall t v1 v2, In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> lr t v1 v2)
    -> forall k, exists r,
      progDenote (cpsExp e2 k) = progDenote (k r)
      /\ lr t (expDenote e1) r.
    induction 1; crush; fold typeDenote in *;
      repeat (match goal with
                | [ H : forall k, exists r, progDenote (cpsExp ?E k) = _ /\ _
                  |- context[cpsExp ?E ?K] ] =>
                  generalize (H K); clear H
                | [ |- exists r, progDenote (_ ?R) = progDenote (_ r) /\ _ ] =>
                  exists R
                | [ t1 : Source.type |- _ ] =>
                  match goal with
                    | [ Hlr : lr t1 ?X1 ?X2, IH : forall v1 v2, _ |- _ ] =>
                      generalize (IH X1 X2); clear IH; intro IH;
                        match type of IH with
                          | ?P -> _ => assert P
              end; crush); eauto.

  Lemma vars_easy : forall (t : Source.type) (v1 : Source.typeDenote t)
    (v2 : typeDenote (cpsType t)),
      (fun t0 : Source.type =>
        (Source.typeDenote t0 * typeDenote (cpsType t0))%type) t
      (v1, v2)) nil -> lr t v1 v2.

  Theorem CpsExp_correct : forall (E : Exp Nat),
    ProgDenote (CpsExp E) = ExpDenote E.
    unfold ProgDenote, CpsExp, ExpDenote; intros;
      generalize (cpsExp_correct (e1 := E _) (e2 := E _)
        (Exp_equiv _ _ _) vars_easy (PHalt (var := _))); crush.
(* end thide *)


(** * A Pattern Compiler *)

Module PatMatch.
  Module Source.
    Inductive type : Type :=
    | Unit : type
    | Arrow : type -> type -> type
    | Prod : type -> type -> type
    | Sum : type -> type -> type.

    Infix "-->" := Arrow (right associativity, at level 61).
    Infix "++" := Sum (right associativity, at level 60).
    Infix "**" := Prod (right associativity, at level 59).

    Inductive pat : type -> list type -> Type :=
    | PVar : forall t,
      pat t (t :: nil)
    | PPair : forall t1 t2 ts1 ts2,
      pat t1 ts1
      -> pat t2 ts2
      -> pat (t1 ** t2) (ts1 ++ ts2)
    | PInl : forall t1 t2 ts,
      pat t1 ts
      -> pat (t1 ++ t2) ts
    | PInr : forall t1 t2 ts,
      pat t2 ts
      -> pat (t1 ++ t2) ts.

    Implicit Arguments PVar [t].
    Implicit Arguments PInl [t1 t2 ts].
    Implicit Arguments PInr [t1 t2 ts].

    Notation "##" := PVar (at level 70) : pat_scope.
    Notation "[ p1 , p2 ]" := (PPair p1 p2) : pat_scope.
    Notation "'Inl' p" := (PInl p) (at level 71) : pat_scope.
    Notation "'Inr' p" := (PInr p) (at level 71) : pat_scope.

    Bind Scope pat_scope with pat.
    Delimit Scope pat_scope with pat.

    Section vars.
      Variable var : type -> Type.

      Inductive exp : type -> Type :=
      | Var : forall t,
        var t
        -> exp t

      | EUnit : exp Unit

      | App : forall t1 t2,
        exp (t1 --> t2)
        -> exp t1
        -> exp t2
      | Abs : forall t1 t2,
        (var t1 -> exp t2)
        -> exp (t1 --> t2)

      | Pair : forall t1 t2,
        exp t1
        -> exp t2
        -> exp (t1 ** t2)

      | EInl : forall t1 t2,
        exp t1
        -> exp (t1 ++ t2)
      | EInr : forall t1 t2,
        exp t2
        -> exp (t1 ++ t2)

      | Case : forall t1 t2 (tss : list (list type)),
        exp t1
        -> (forall ts, member ts tss -> pat t1 ts)
        -> (forall ts, member ts tss -> hlist var ts -> exp t2)
        -> exp t2
        -> exp t2.
    End vars.

    Definition Exp t := forall var, exp var t.

    Implicit Arguments Var [var t].
    Implicit Arguments EUnit [var].
    Implicit Arguments App [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Abs [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Pair [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments EInl [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments EInr [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Case [var t1 t2].

    Notation "# v" := (Var v) (at level 70) : source_scope.

    Notation "()" := EUnit : source_scope.

    Infix "@" := App (left associativity, at level 77) : source_scope.
    Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : source_scope.

    Notation "[ x , y ]" := (Pair x y) : source_scope.

    Notation "'Inl' e" := (EInl e) (at level 71) : source_scope.
    Notation "'Inr' e" := (EInr e) (at level 71) : source_scope.

    Delimit Scope source_scope with source.
    Bind Scope source_scope with exp.

    Open Local Scope source_scope.

    Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Set :=
      match t with
        | Unit => unit
        | t1 --> t2 => typeDenote t1 -> typeDenote t2
        | t1 ** t2 => (typeDenote t1 * typeDenote t2)%type
        | t1 ++ t2 => (typeDenote t1 + typeDenote t2)%type

    Fixpoint patDenote t ts (p : pat t ts) {struct p} : typeDenote t -> option (hlist typeDenote ts) :=
      match p in (pat t ts) return (typeDenote t -> option (hlist typeDenote ts)) with
        | PVar _ => fun v => Some (v, tt)
        | PPair _ _ _ _ p1 p2 => fun v =>
          match patDenote p1 (fst v), patDenote p2 (snd v) with
            | Some tup1, Some tup2 => Some (happ tup1 tup2)
            | _, _ => None
        | PInl _ _ _ p' => fun v =>
          match v with
            | inl v' => patDenote p' v'
            | _ => None
        | PInr _ _ _ p' => fun v =>
          match v with
            | inr v' => patDenote p' v'
            | _ => None

    Section matchesDenote.
      Variables t2 : type.
      Variable default : typeDenote t2.

      Fixpoint matchesDenote (tss : list (list type))
        : (forall ts, member ts tss -> option (hlist typeDenote ts))
        -> (forall ts, member ts tss -> hlist typeDenote ts -> typeDenote t2)
        -> typeDenote t2 :=
        match tss return (forall ts, member ts tss -> _)
          -> (forall ts, member ts tss -> _)
          -> _ with
          | nil => fun _ _ =>
          | ts :: tss' => fun (envs : forall ts', member ts' (ts :: tss') -> option (hlist typeDenote ts'))
            (bodies : forall ts', member ts' (ts :: tss') -> hlist typeDenote ts' -> typeDenote t2) =>
            match envs _ (hfirst (refl_equal _)) with
              | None => matchesDenote tss'
                (fun _ mem => envs _ (hnext mem))
                (fun _ mem => bodies _ (hnext mem))
              | Some env => (bodies _ (hfirst (refl_equal _))) env
    End matchesDenote.

    Implicit Arguments matchesDenote [t2 tss].

    Fixpoint expDenote t (e : exp typeDenote t) {struct e} : typeDenote t :=
      match e in (exp _ t) return (typeDenote t) with
        | Var _ v => v

        | EUnit => tt

        | App _ _ e1 e2 => (expDenote e1) (expDenote e2)
        | Abs _ _ e' => fun x => expDenote (e' x)

        | Pair _ _ e1 e2 => (expDenote e1, expDenote e2)

        | EInl _ _ e' => inl _ (expDenote e')
        | EInr _ _ e' => inr _ (expDenote e')

        | Case _ _ _ e ps es def =>
          matchesDenote (expDenote def)
          (fun _ mem => patDenote (ps _ mem) (expDenote e))
          (fun _ mem env => expDenote (es _ mem env))

    Definition ExpDenote t (E : Exp t) := expDenote (E _).
  End Source.

  Import Source.

  Module Elab.
    Section vars.
      Variable var : type -> Type.

      Inductive exp : type -> Type :=
      | Var : forall t,
        var t
        -> exp t

      | EUnit : exp Unit

      | App : forall t1 t2,
        exp (t1 --> t2)
        -> exp t1
        -> exp t2
      | Abs : forall t1 t2,
        (var t1 -> exp t2)
        -> exp (t1 --> t2)

      | Pair : forall t1 t2,
        exp t1
        -> exp t2
        -> exp (t1 ** t2)
      | Fst : forall t1 t2,
        exp (t1 ** t2)
        -> exp t1
      | Snd : forall t1 t2,
        exp (t1 ** t2)
        -> exp t2

      | EInl : forall t1 t2,
        exp t1
        -> exp (t1 ++ t2)
      | EInr : forall t1 t2,
        exp t2
        -> exp (t1 ++ t2)
      | Case : forall t1 t2 t,
        exp (t1 ++ t2)
        -> (var t1 -> exp t)
        -> (var t2 -> exp t)
        -> exp t.
    End vars.

    Definition Exp t := forall var, exp var t.

    Implicit Arguments Var [var t].
    Implicit Arguments EUnit [var].
    Implicit Arguments App [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Abs [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Pair [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Fst [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Snd [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments EInl [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments EInr [var t1 t2].
    Implicit Arguments Case [var t1 t2 t].

    Notation "# v" := (Var v) (at level 70) : elab_scope.

    Notation "()" := EUnit : elab_scope.

    Infix "@" := App (left associativity, at level 77) : elab_scope.
    Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs (fun x => e)) (at level 78) : elab_scope.
    Notation "\ ? , e" := (Abs (fun _ => e)) (at level 78) : elab_scope.

    Notation "[ x , y ]" := (Pair x y) : elab_scope.
    Notation "#1 e" := (Fst e) (at level 72) : elab_scope.
    Notation "#2 e" := (Snd e) (at level 72) : elab_scope.

    Notation "'Inl' e" := (EInl e) (at level 71) : elab_scope.
    Notation "'Inr' e" := (EInr e) (at level 71) : elab_scope.

    Bind Scope elab_scope with exp.
    Delimit Scope elab_scope with elab.

    Open Scope elab_scope.

    Fixpoint expDenote t (e : exp typeDenote t) {struct e} : typeDenote t :=
      match e in (exp _ t) return (typeDenote t) with
        | Var _ v => v

        | EUnit => tt

        | App _ _ e1 e2 => (expDenote e1) (expDenote e2)
        | Abs _ _ e' => fun x => expDenote (e' x)

        | Pair _ _ e1 e2 => (expDenote e1, expDenote e2)
        | Fst _ _ e' => fst (expDenote e')
        | Snd _ _ e' => snd (expDenote e')

        | EInl _ _ e' => inl _ (expDenote e')
        | EInr _ _ e' => inr _ (expDenote e')
        | Case _ _ _ e' e1 e2 =>
          match expDenote e' with
            | inl v => expDenote (e1 v)
            | inr v => expDenote (e2 v)

    Definition ExpDenote t (E : Exp t) := expDenote (E _).
  End Elab.

  Import Elab.

  Notation "x <- e1 ; e2" := ((\x, e2) @ e1)%source
    (right associativity, at level 76, e1 at next level) : source_scope.
  Notation "x <- e1 ; e2" := ((\x, e2) @ e1)%elab
    (right associativity, at level 76, e1 at next level) : elab_scope.

  Section choice_tree.
    Open Scope source_scope.

    Fixpoint choice_tree var (t : type) (result : Type) : Type :=
      match t with
        | t1 ** t2 =>
          choice_tree var t1
          (choice_tree var t2
        | t1 ++ t2 =>
          choice_tree var t1 result
          * choice_tree var t2 result
        | t => exp var t -> result

    Fixpoint merge var t result {struct t}
      : (result -> result -> result)
      -> choice_tree var t result -> choice_tree var t result -> choice_tree var t result :=
      match t return ((result -> result -> result)
        -> choice_tree var t result -> choice_tree var t result -> choice_tree var t result) with
        | _ ** _ => fun mr ct1 ct2 =>
          merge _ _
          (merge _ _ mr)
          ct1 ct2

        | _ ++ _ => fun mr ct1 ct2 =>
          (merge var _ mr (fst ct1) (fst ct2),
            merge var _ mr (snd ct1) (snd ct2))

        | _ => fun mr ct1 ct2 e => mr (ct1 e) (ct2 e)

    Fixpoint everywhere var t result {struct t}
      : (exp var t -> result) -> choice_tree var t result :=
      match t return ((exp var t -> result) -> choice_tree var t result) with
        | t1 ** t2 => fun r =>
          everywhere (t := t1) (fun e1 =>
            everywhere (t := t2) (fun e2 =>
              r ([e1, e2])%elab))

        | _ ++ _ => fun r =>
          (everywhere (fun e => r (Inl e)%elab),
            everywhere (fun e => r (Inr e)%elab))

        | _ => fun r => r
  End choice_tree.

  Implicit Arguments merge [var t result].

  Section elaborate.
    Open Local Scope elab_scope.

    Fixpoint elaboratePat var t1 ts result (p : pat t1 ts) {struct p} :
      (hlist (exp var) ts -> result) -> result -> choice_tree var t1 result :=
      match p in (pat t1 ts) return ((hlist (exp var) ts -> result)
        -> result -> choice_tree var t1 result) with
        | PVar _ => fun succ fail =>
          everywhere (fun disc => succ (disc, tt))

        | PPair _ _ _ _ p1 p2 => fun succ fail =>
          elaboratePat _ p1
          (fun tup1 =>
            elaboratePat _ p2
            (fun tup2 =>
              succ (happ tup1 tup2))
          (everywhere (fun _ => fail))

        | PInl _ _ _ p' => fun succ fail =>
          (elaboratePat _ p' succ fail,
            everywhere (fun _ => fail))
        | PInr _ _ _ p' => fun succ fail =>
          (everywhere (fun _ => fail),
            elaboratePat _ p' succ fail)

    Implicit Arguments elaboratePat [var t1 ts result].

    Fixpoint letify var t ts {struct ts} : (hlist var ts -> exp var t)
      -> hlist (exp var) ts -> exp var t :=
      match ts return ((hlist var ts -> exp var t)
        -> hlist (exp var) ts -> exp var t) with
        | nil => fun f _ => f tt
        | _ :: _ => fun f tup => letify _ (fun tup' => x <- fst tup; f (x, tup')) (snd tup)

    Implicit Arguments letify [var t ts].

    Fixpoint expand var result t1 t2
      (out : result -> exp var t2) {struct t1}
      : forall ct : choice_tree var t1 result,
        exp var t1
        -> exp var t2 :=
        match t1 return (forall ct : choice_tree var t1 result, exp var t1
          -> exp var t2) with
          | (_ ** _)%source => fun ct disc =>
            (fun ct' => expand out ct' (#2 disc)%source)
            (#1 disc)
          | (_ ++ _)%source => fun ct disc =>
            Case disc
            (fun x => expand out (fst ct) (#x))
            (fun y => expand out (snd ct) (#y))
          | _ => fun ct disc =>
            x <- disc; out (ct (#x))

    Definition mergeOpt A (o1 o2 : option A) :=
      match o1 with
        | None => o2
        | _ => o1

    Import Source.

    Fixpoint elaborateMatches var t1 t2
      (tss : list (list type)) {struct tss}
      : (forall ts, member ts tss -> pat t1 ts)
      -> (forall ts, member ts tss -> hlist var ts -> Elab.exp var t2)
      -> choice_tree var t1 (option (Elab.exp var t2)) :=
      match tss return (forall ts, member ts tss -> pat t1 ts)
        -> (forall ts, member ts tss -> _)
        -> _ with
        | nil => fun _ _ =>
          everywhere (fun _ => None)
        | ts :: tss' => fun (ps : forall ts', member ts' (ts :: tss') -> pat t1 ts')
          (es : forall ts', member ts' (ts :: tss') -> hlist var ts' -> Elab.exp var t2) =>
          merge (@mergeOpt _)
          (elaboratePat (ps _ (hfirst (refl_equal _)))
            (fun ts => Some (letify
              (fun ts' => es _ (hfirst (refl_equal _)) ts')
          (elaborateMatches tss'
            (fun _ mem => ps _ (hnext mem))
            (fun _ mem => es _ (hnext mem)))

    Implicit Arguments elaborateMatches [var t1 t2 tss].

    Open Scope cps_scope.

    Fixpoint elaborate var t (e : Source.exp var t) {struct e} : Elab.exp var t :=
      match e in (Source.exp _ t) return (Elab.exp var t) with
        | Var _ v => #v

        | EUnit => ()

        | App _ _ e1 e2 => elaborate e1 @ elaborate e2
        | Abs _ _ e' => \x, elaborate (e' x) 

        | Pair _ _ e1 e2 => [elaborate e1, elaborate e2]
        | EInl _ _ e' => Inl (elaborate e')
        | EInr _ _ e' => Inr (elaborate e')

        | Case _ _ _ e' ps es def =>
          (fun eo => match eo with
                       | None => elaborate def
                       | Some e => e
          (elaborateMatches ps (fun _ mem env => elaborate (es _ mem env)))
          (elaborate e')
  End elaborate.

  Definition Elaborate t (E : Source.Exp t) : Elab.Exp t :=
    fun _ => elaborate (E _).

  Fixpoint grab t result : choice_tree typeDenote t result -> typeDenote t -> result :=
    match t return (choice_tree typeDenote t result -> typeDenote t -> result) with
      | t1 ** t2 => fun ct v =>
        grab t2 _ (grab t1 _ ct (fst v)) (snd v)
      | t1 ++ t2 => fun ct v =>
        match v with
          | inl v' => grab t1 _ (fst ct) v'
          | inr v' => grab t2 _ (snd ct) v'
      | t => fun ct v => ct (#v)%elab

  Implicit Arguments grab [t result].

  Ltac my_crush :=
    repeat (match goal with
              | [ |- context[match ?E with inl _ => _ | inr _ => _ end] ] =>
                destruct E
            end; crush).

  Lemma expand_grab : forall t2 t1 result
    (out : result -> Elab.exp typeDenote t2)
    (ct : choice_tree typeDenote t1 result)
    (disc : Elab.exp typeDenote t1),
    Elab.expDenote (expand out ct disc) = Elab.expDenote (out (grab ct (Elab.expDenote disc))).
    induction t1; my_crush.

  Lemma recreate_pair : forall t1 t2
    (x : Elab.exp typeDenote t1)
    (x0 : Elab.exp typeDenote t2)
    (v : typeDenote (t1 ** t2)),
    expDenote x = fst v
    -> expDenote x0 = snd v
    -> @eq (typeDenote t1 * typeDenote t2) (expDenote [x, x0]) v.
    destruct v; crush.

  Lemma everywhere_correct : forall t1 result
    (succ : Elab.exp typeDenote t1 -> result) disc,
    exists disc', grab (everywhere succ) (Elab.expDenote disc) = succ disc'
      /\ Elab.expDenote disc' = Elab.expDenote disc.
    Hint Resolve recreate_pair.

    induction t1; my_crush; eauto; fold choice_tree;
      repeat (fold typeDenote in *; crush;
        match goal with
          | [ IH : forall result succ, _ |- context[grab (everywhere ?S) _] ] =>
            generalize (IH _ S); clear IH
          | [ e : exp typeDenote (?T ** _), IH : forall _ : exp typeDenote ?T, _ |- _ ] =>
            generalize (IH (#1 e)); clear IH
          | [ e : exp typeDenote (_ ** ?T), IH : forall _ : exp typeDenote ?T, _ |- _ ] =>
            generalize (IH (#2 e)); clear IH
          | [ e : typeDenote ?T, IH : forall _ : exp typeDenote ?T, _ |- _ ] =>
            generalize (IH (#e)); clear IH
        end; crush); eauto.

  Lemma merge_correct : forall t result
    (ct1 ct2 : choice_tree typeDenote t result)
    (mr : result -> result -> result) v,
    grab (merge mr ct1 ct2) v = mr (grab ct1 v) (grab ct2 v).
    induction t; crush.

  Lemma everywhere_fail : forall t result
    (fail : result) v,
    grab (everywhere (fun _ : Elab.exp typeDenote t => fail)) v = fail.
    induction t; crush.

  Lemma elaboratePat_correct : forall t1 ts (p : pat t1 ts)
    result (succ : hlist (Elab.exp typeDenote) ts -> result)
    (fail : result) v env,
    patDenote p v = Some env
    -> exists env', grab (elaboratePat typeDenote p succ fail) v = succ env'
      /\ env = hmap Elab.expDenote env'.
    Hint Resolve hmap_happ.

    induction p; crush; fold choice_tree;
      repeat (match goal with
                | [ |- context[grab (everywhere ?succ) ?v] ] =>
                  generalize (everywhere_correct succ (#v)%elab)

                | [ H : forall result sudc fail, _ |- context[grab (elaboratePat _ _ ?S ?F) ?V] ] =>
                  generalize (H _ S F V); clear H
                | [ H1 : context[match ?E with Some _ => _ | None => _ end],
                  H2 : forall env, ?E = Some env -> _ |- _ ] =>
                destruct E
                | [ H : forall env, Some ?E = Some env -> _ |- _ ] =>
                  generalize (H _ (refl_equal _)); clear H
              end; crush); eauto.

  Lemma elaboratePat_fails : forall t1 ts (p : pat t1 ts)
    result (succ : hlist (Elab.exp typeDenote) ts -> result)
    (fail : result) v,
    patDenote p v = None
    -> grab (elaboratePat typeDenote p succ fail) v = fail.
    Hint Resolve everywhere_fail.

    induction p; try solve [ crush ];
      simpl; fold choice_tree; intuition; simpl in *;
        repeat match goal with
                 | [ IH : forall result succ fail v, patDenote ?P v = _ -> _
                   |- context[grab (elaboratePat _ ?P ?S ?F) ?V] ] =>
                   generalize (IH _ S F V); clear IH; intro IH;
                     generalize (elaboratePat_correct P S F V); intros;
                       destruct (patDenote P V); try discriminate
                 | [ H : forall env, Some _ = Some env -> _ |- _ ] =>
                   destruct (H _ (refl_equal _)); clear H; intuition
                 | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; intuition

  Implicit Arguments letify [var t ts].

  Lemma letify_correct : forall t ts (f : hlist typeDenote ts -> Elab.exp typeDenote t)
    (env : hlist (Elab.exp typeDenote) ts),
    Elab.expDenote (letify f env)
    = Elab.expDenote (f (hmap Elab.expDenote env)).
    induction ts; crush.

  Theorem elaborate_correct : forall t (e : Source.exp typeDenote t),
    Elab.expDenote (elaborate e) = Source.expDenote e.
    Hint Rewrite expand_grab merge_correct letify_correct : cpdt.
    Hint Rewrite everywhere_fail elaboratePat_fails using assumption : cpdt.

    induction e; crush; try (ext_eq; crush);
      match goal with
        | [ tss : list (list type) |- _ ] =>
          induction tss; crush;
            match goal with
              | [ |- context[grab (elaboratePat _ ?P ?S ?F) ?V] ] =>
                case_eq (patDenote P V); [intros env Heq;
                  destruct (elaboratePat_correct P S F _ Heq); crush;
                    match goal with
                      | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H; crush
                  | crush ]

  Theorem Elaborate_correct : forall t (E : Source.Exp t),
    Elab.ExpDenote (Elaborate E) = Source.ExpDenote E.
    unfold Elab.ExpDenote, Elaborate, Source.ExpDenote;
      intros; apply elaborate_correct.

End PatMatch.