adamc@222: (* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Adam Chlipala adamc@158: * adamc@158: * This work is licensed under a adamc@158: * Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 adamc@158: * Unported License. adamc@158: * The license text is available at: adamc@158: * adamc@158: *) adamc@158: adamc@158: (* begin hide *) adamc@168: Require Import Eqdep String List. adamc@158: adamc@168: Require Import Axioms Tactics. adamc@158: adamc@158: Set Implicit Arguments. adamc@158: (* end hide *) adamc@158: adamc@158: adamc@158: (** %\chapter{Higher-Order Abstract Syntax}% *) adamc@158: adamc@252: (** In many cases, detailed reasoning about variable binders and substitution is a small annoyance; in other cases, it becomes the dominant cost of proving a theorem formally. No matter which of these possibilities prevails, it is clear that it would be very pragmatic to find a way to avoid reasoning about variable identity or freshness. A well-established alternative to first-order encodings is %\textit{%##higher-order abstract syntax##%}%, or HOAS. In mechanized theorem-proving, HOAS is most closely associated with the LF meta logic and the tools based on it, including Twelf. adamc@158: adamc@252: In this chapter, we will see that HOAS cannot be implemented directly in Coq. However, a few very similar encodings are possible and are in fact very effective in some important domains. *) adamc@158: adamc@252: adamc@252: (** * Classic HOAS *) adamc@252: adamc@252: (** The motto of HOAS is simple: represent object language binders using meta language binders. Here, "object language" refers to the language being formalized, while the meta language is the language in which the formalization is done. Our usual meta language, Coq's Gallina, contains the standard binding facilities of functional programming, making it a promising base for higher-order encodings. adamc@252: adamc@252: Recall the concrete encoding of basic untyped lambda calculus expressions. *) adamc@252: adamc@252: Inductive uexp : Set := adamc@252: | UVar : string -> uexp adamc@252: | UApp : uexp -> uexp -> uexp adamc@252: | UAbs : string -> uexp -> uexp. adamc@252: adamc@252: (** The explicit presence of variable names forces us to think about issues of freshness and variable capture. The HOAS alternative would look like this. *) adamc@252: adamc@252: Reset uexp. adamc@252: adamc@252: (** [[ adamc@252: Inductive uexp : Set := adamc@252: | UApp : uexp -> uexp -> uexp adamc@252: | UAbs : (uexp -> uexp) -> uexp. adamc@252: adamc@252: ]] adamc@252: adamc@252: We have avoided any mention of variables. Instead, we encode the binding done by abstraction using the binding facilities associated with Gallina functions. For instance, we might represent the term $\lambda x. \; x \; x$#\x. x x# as [UAbs (fun x => UApp x x)]. Coq has built-in support for matching binders in anonymous [fun] expressions to their uses, so we avoid needing to implement our own binder-matching logic. adamc@252: adamc@252: This definition is not quite HOAS, because of the broad variety of functions that Coq would allow us to pass as arguments to [UAbs]. We can thus construct many [uexp]s that do not correspond to normal lambda terms. These deviants are called %\textit{%##exotic terms##%}%. In LF, functions may only be written in a very restrictive computational language, lacking, among other things, pattern matching and recursive function definitions. Thus, thanks to a careful balancing act of design decisions, exotic terms are not possible with usual HOAS encodings in LF. adamc@252: adamc@252: Our definition of [uexp] has a more fundamental problem: it is invalid in Gallina. adamc@252: adamc@252: [[ adamc@252: Error: Non strictly positive occurrence of "uexp" in adamc@252: "(uexp -> uexp) -> uexp". adamc@252: adamc@252: ]] adamc@252: adamc@252: We have violated a rule that we considered before: an inductive type may not be defined in terms of functions over itself. Way back in Chapter 3, we considered this example and the reasons why we should be glad that Coq rejects it. Thus, we will need to use more cleverness to reap similar benefits. adamc@252: adamc@252: The root problem is that our expressions contain variables representing expressions of the same kind. Many useful kinds of syntax involve no such cycles. For instance, it is easy to use HOAS to encode standard first-order logic in Coq. *) adamc@252: adamc@252: Inductive prop : Type := adamc@252: | Eq : forall T, T -> T -> prop adamc@252: | Not : prop -> prop adamc@252: | And : prop -> prop -> prop adamc@252: | Or : prop -> prop -> prop adamc@252: | Forall : forall T, (T -> prop) -> prop adamc@252: | Exists : forall T, (T -> prop) -> prop. adamc@252: adamc@252: Fixpoint propDenote (p : prop) : Prop := adamc@252: match p with adamc@252: | Eq _ x y => x = y adamc@252: | Not p => ~ (propDenote p) adamc@252: | And p1 p2 => propDenote p1 /\ propDenote p2 adamc@252: | Or p1 p2 => propDenote p1 \/ propDenote p2 adamc@252: | Forall _ f => forall x, propDenote (f x) adamc@252: | Exists _ f => exists x, propDenote (f x) adamc@252: end. adamc@252: adamc@252: (** Unfortunately, there are other recursive functions that we might like to write but cannot. One simple example is a function to count the number of constructors used to build a [prop]. To look inside a [Forall] or [Exists], we need to look inside the quantifier's body, which is represented as a function. In Gallina, as in most statically-typed functional languages, the only way to interact with a function is to call it. We have no hope of doing that here; the domain of the function in question has an arbitary type [T], so [T] may even be uninhabited. If we had a universal way of constructing values to look inside functions, we would have uncovered a consistency bug in Coq! adamc@252: adamc@252: We are still suffering from the possibility of writing exotic terms, such as this example: *) adamc@252: adamc@252: Example true_prop := Eq 1 1. adamc@252: Example false_prop := Not true_prop. adamc@252: Example exotic_prop := Forall (fun b : bool => if b then true_prop else false_prop). adamc@252: adamc@252: (** Thus, the idea of a uniform way of looking inside a binder to find another well-defined [prop] is hopelessly doomed. adamc@252: adamc@252: A clever HOAS variant called %\textit{%##weak HOAS##%}% manages to rule out exotic terms in Coq. Here is a weak HOAS version of untyped lambda terms. *) adamc@252: adamc@252: Parameter var : Set. adamc@252: adamc@252: Inductive uexp : Set := adamc@252: | UVar : var -> uexp adamc@252: | UApp : uexp -> uexp -> uexp adamc@252: | UAbs : (var -> uexp) -> uexp. adamc@252: adamc@252: (** We postulate the existence of some set [var] of variables, and variable nodes appear explicitly in our syntax. A binder is represented as a function over %\textit{%##variables##%}%, rather than as a function over %\textit{%##expressions##%}%. This breaks the cycle that led Coq to reject the literal HOAS definition. It is easy to encode our previous example, $\lambda x. \; x \; x$#\x. x x#: *) adamc@252: adamc@252: Example self_app := UAbs (fun x => UApp (UVar x) (UVar x)). adamc@252: adamc@252: (** What about exotic terms? The problems they caused earlier came from the fact that Gallina is expressive enough to allow us to perform case analysis on the types we used as the domains of binder functions. With weak HOAS, we use an abstract type [var] as the domain. Since we assume the existence of no functions for deconstructing [var]s, Coq's type soundness enforces that no Gallina term of type [uexp] can take different values depending on the value of a [var] available in the typing context, %\textit{%##except##%}% by incorporating those variables into a [uexp] value in a legal way. adamc@252: adamc@252: Weak HOAS retains the other disadvantage of our previous example: it is hard to write recursive functions that deconstruct terms. As with the previous example, some functions %\textit{%##are##%}% implementable. For instance, we can write a function to reverse the function and argument positions of every [UApp] node. *) adamc@252: adamc@252: Fixpoint swap (e : uexp) : uexp := adamc@252: match e with adamc@252: | UVar _ => e adamc@252: | UApp e1 e2 => UApp (swap e2) (swap e1) adamc@252: | UAbs e1 => UAbs (fun x => swap (e1 x)) adamc@252: end. adamc@252: adamc@252: (** However, it is still impossible to write a function to compute the size of an expression. We would still need to manufacture a value of type [var] to peer under a binder, and that is impossible, because [var] is an abstract type. *) adamc@252: adamc@252: adamc@252: (** * Parametric HOAS *) adamc@158: adamc@158: Inductive type : Type := adamc@159: | Nat : type adamc@158: | Arrow : type -> type -> type. adamc@158: adamc@158: Infix "-->" := Arrow (right associativity, at level 60). adamc@158: adamc@158: Section exp. adamc@158: Variable var : type -> Type. adamc@158: adamc@158: Inductive exp : type -> Type := adamc@159: | Const' : nat -> exp Nat adamc@159: | Plus' : exp Nat -> exp Nat -> exp Nat adamc@159: adamc@158: | Var : forall t, var t -> exp t adamc@158: | App' : forall dom ran, exp (dom --> ran) -> exp dom -> exp ran adamc@158: | Abs' : forall dom ran, (var dom -> exp ran) -> exp (dom --> ran). adamc@158: End exp. adamc@158: adamc@158: Implicit Arguments Const' [var]. adamc@158: Implicit Arguments Var [var t]. adamc@158: Implicit Arguments Abs' [var dom ran]. adamc@158: adamc@158: Definition Exp t := forall var, exp var t. adamc@169: (* begin thide *) adamc@158: Definition Exp1 t1 t2 := forall var, var t1 -> exp var t2. adamc@158: adamc@159: Definition Const (n : nat) : Exp Nat := adamc@159: fun _ => Const' n. adamc@159: Definition Plus (E1 E2 : Exp Nat) : Exp Nat := adamc@159: fun _ => Plus' (E1 _) (E2 _). adamc@158: Definition App dom ran (F : Exp (dom --> ran)) (X : Exp dom) : Exp ran := adamc@158: fun _ => App' (F _) (X _). adamc@158: Definition Abs dom ran (B : Exp1 dom ran) : Exp (dom --> ran) := adamc@158: fun _ => Abs' (B _). adamc@169: (* end thide *) adamc@169: adamc@169: (* EX: Define appropriate shorthands, so that these definitions type-check. *) adamc@158: adamc@166: Definition zero := Const 0. adamc@166: Definition one := Const 1. adamc@166: Definition one_again := Plus zero one. adamc@166: Definition ident : Exp (Nat --> Nat) := Abs (fun _ X => Var X). adamc@166: Definition app_ident := App ident one_again. adamc@166: Definition app : Exp ((Nat --> Nat) --> Nat --> Nat) := fun _ => adamc@166: Abs' (fun f => Abs' (fun x => App' (Var f) (Var x))). adamc@166: Definition app_ident' := App (App app ident) one_again. adamc@166: adamc@169: (* EX: Define a function to count the number of variable occurrences in an [Exp]. *) adamc@169: adamc@169: (* begin thide *) adamc@222: Fixpoint countVars t (e : exp (fun _ => unit) t) : nat := adamc@166: match e with adamc@166: | Const' _ => 0 adamc@166: | Plus' e1 e2 => countVars e1 + countVars e2 adamc@166: | Var _ _ => 1 adamc@166: | App' _ _ e1 e2 => countVars e1 + countVars e2 adamc@166: | Abs' _ _ e' => countVars (e' tt) adamc@166: end. adamc@166: adamc@166: Definition CountVars t (E : Exp t) : nat := countVars (E _). adamc@169: (* end thide *) adamc@166: adamc@166: Eval compute in CountVars zero. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountVars one. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountVars one_again. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountVars ident. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountVars app_ident. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountVars app. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountVars app_ident'. adamc@166: adamc@169: (* EX: Define a function to count the number of occurrences of a single distinguished variable. *) adamc@169: adamc@169: (* begin thide *) adamc@222: Fixpoint countOne t (e : exp (fun _ => bool) t) : nat := adamc@166: match e with adamc@166: | Const' _ => 0 adamc@166: | Plus' e1 e2 => countOne e1 + countOne e2 adamc@166: | Var _ true => 1 adamc@166: | Var _ false => 0 adamc@166: | App' _ _ e1 e2 => countOne e1 + countOne e2 adamc@166: | Abs' _ _ e' => countOne (e' false) adamc@166: end. adamc@166: adamc@166: Definition CountOne t1 t2 (E : Exp1 t1 t2) : nat := adamc@166: countOne (E _ true). adamc@169: (* end thide *) adamc@166: adamc@166: Definition ident1 : Exp1 Nat Nat := fun _ X => Var X. adamc@166: Definition add_self : Exp1 Nat Nat := fun _ X => Plus' (Var X) (Var X). adamc@166: Definition app_zero : Exp1 (Nat --> Nat) Nat := fun _ X => App' (Var X) (Const' 0). adamc@166: Definition app_ident1 : Exp1 Nat Nat := fun _ X => App' (Abs' (fun Y => Var Y)) (Var X). adamc@166: adamc@166: Eval compute in CountOne ident1. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountOne add_self. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountOne app_zero. adamc@166: Eval compute in CountOne app_ident1. adamc@166: adamc@169: (* EX: Define a function to pretty-print [Exp]s as strings. *) adamc@169: adamc@169: (* begin thide *) adamc@166: Section ToString. adamc@166: Open Scope string_scope. adamc@166: adamc@166: Fixpoint natToString (n : nat) : string := adamc@166: match n with adamc@166: | O => "O" adamc@166: | S n' => "S(" ++ natToString n' ++ ")" adamc@166: end. adamc@166: adamc@222: Fixpoint toString t (e : exp (fun _ => string) t) (cur : string) : string * string := adamc@166: match e with adamc@166: | Const' n => (cur, natToString n) adamc@166: | Plus' e1 e2 => adamc@166: let (cur', s1) := toString e1 cur in adamc@166: let (cur'', s2) := toString e2 cur' in adamc@166: (cur'', "(" ++ s1 ++ ") + (" ++ s2 ++ ")") adamc@166: | Var _ s => (cur, s) adamc@166: | App' _ _ e1 e2 => adamc@166: let (cur', s1) := toString e1 cur in adamc@166: let (cur'', s2) := toString e2 cur' in adamc@166: (cur'', "(" ++ s1 ++ ") (" ++ s2 ++ ")") adamc@166: | Abs' _ _ e' => adamc@166: let (cur', s) := toString (e' cur) (cur ++ "'") in adamc@166: (cur', "(\" ++ cur ++ ", " ++ s ++ ")") adamc@166: end. adamc@166: adamc@166: Definition ToString t (E : Exp t) : string := snd (toString (E _) "x"). adamc@166: End ToString. adamc@169: (* end thide *) adamc@166: adamc@166: Eval compute in ToString zero. adamc@166: Eval compute in ToString one. adamc@166: Eval compute in ToString one_again. adamc@166: Eval compute in ToString ident. adamc@166: Eval compute in ToString app_ident. adamc@166: Eval compute in ToString app. adamc@166: Eval compute in ToString app_ident'. adamc@166: adamc@169: (* EX: Define a substitution function. *) adamc@169: adamc@169: (* begin thide *) adamc@158: Section flatten. adamc@158: Variable var : type -> Type. adamc@158: adamc@222: Fixpoint flatten t (e : exp (exp var) t) : exp var t := adamc@222: match e with adamc@159: | Const' n => Const' n adamc@159: | Plus' e1 e2 => Plus' (flatten e1) (flatten e2) adamc@158: | Var _ e' => e' adamc@158: | App' _ _ e1 e2 => App' (flatten e1) (flatten e2) adamc@158: | Abs' _ _ e' => Abs' (fun x => flatten (e' (Var x))) adamc@158: end. adamc@158: End flatten. adamc@158: adamc@158: Definition Subst t1 t2 (E1 : Exp t1) (E2 : Exp1 t1 t2) : Exp t2 := fun _ => adamc@158: flatten (E2 _ (E1 _)). adamc@169: (* end thide *) adamc@158: adamc@166: Eval compute in Subst one ident1. adamc@166: Eval compute in Subst one add_self. adamc@166: Eval compute in Subst ident app_zero. adamc@166: Eval compute in Subst one app_ident1. adamc@166: adamc@158: adamc@158: (** * A Type Soundness Proof *) adamc@158: adamc@158: Reserved Notation "E1 ==> E2" (no associativity, at level 90). adamc@158: adamc@158: Inductive Val : forall t, Exp t -> Prop := adamc@159: | VConst : forall n, Val (Const n) adamc@158: | VAbs : forall dom ran (B : Exp1 dom ran), Val (Abs B). adamc@158: adamc@158: Hint Constructors Val. adamc@158: adamc@162: Inductive Ctx : type -> type -> Type := adamc@162: | AppCong1 : forall (dom ran : type), adamc@162: Exp dom -> Ctx (dom --> ran) ran adamc@162: | AppCong2 : forall (dom ran : type), adamc@162: Exp (dom --> ran) -> Ctx dom ran adamc@162: | PlusCong1 : Exp Nat -> Ctx Nat Nat adamc@162: | PlusCong2 : Exp Nat -> Ctx Nat Nat. adamc@162: adamc@162: Inductive isCtx : forall t1 t2, Ctx t1 t2 -> Prop := adamc@162: | IsApp1 : forall dom ran (X : Exp dom), isCtx (AppCong1 ran X) adamc@162: | IsApp2 : forall dom ran (F : Exp (dom --> ran)), Val F -> isCtx (AppCong2 F) adamc@162: | IsPlus1 : forall E2, isCtx (PlusCong1 E2) adamc@162: | IsPlus2 : forall E1, Val E1 -> isCtx (PlusCong2 E1). adamc@162: adamc@162: Definition plug t1 t2 (C : Ctx t1 t2) : Exp t1 -> Exp t2 := adamc@222: match C with adamc@162: | AppCong1 _ _ X => fun F => App F X adamc@162: | AppCong2 _ _ F => fun X => App F X adamc@162: | PlusCong1 E2 => fun E1 => Plus E1 E2 adamc@162: | PlusCong2 E1 => fun E2 => Plus E1 E2 adamc@162: end. adamc@162: adamc@162: Infix "@" := plug (no associativity, at level 60). adamc@162: adamc@158: Inductive Step : forall t, Exp t -> Exp t -> Prop := adamc@158: | Beta : forall dom ran (B : Exp1 dom ran) (X : Exp dom), adamc@160: Val X adamc@160: -> App (Abs B) X ==> Subst X B adamc@159: | Sum : forall n1 n2, adamc@159: Plus (Const n1) (Const n2) ==> Const (n1 + n2) adamc@162: | Cong : forall t t' (C : Ctx t t') E E' E1, adamc@162: isCtx C adamc@162: -> E1 = C @ E adamc@162: -> E ==> E' adamc@162: -> E1 ==> C @ E' adamc@159: adamc@158: where "E1 ==> E2" := (Step E1 E2). adamc@158: adamc@162: Hint Constructors isCtx Step. adamc@158: adamc@169: (* EX: Prove type soundness. *) adamc@169: adamc@169: (* begin thide *) adamc@158: Inductive Closed : forall t, Exp t -> Prop := adamc@164: | CConst : forall n, adamc@164: Closed (Const n) adamc@159: | CPlus : forall E1 E2, adamc@159: Closed E1 adamc@159: -> Closed E2 adamc@159: -> Closed (Plus E1 E2) adamc@158: | CApp : forall dom ran (E1 : Exp (dom --> ran)) E2, adamc@158: Closed E1 adamc@158: -> Closed E2 adamc@158: -> Closed (App E1 E2) adamc@158: | CAbs : forall dom ran (E1 : Exp1 dom ran), adamc@158: Closed (Abs E1). adamc@158: adamc@158: Axiom closed : forall t (E : Exp t), Closed E. adamc@158: adamc@160: Ltac my_crush' := adamc@167: crush; adamc@158: repeat (match goal with adamc@158: | [ H : _ |- _ ] => generalize (inj_pairT2 _ _ _ _ _ H); clear H adamc@167: end; crush). adamc@160: adamc@162: Hint Extern 1 (_ = _ @ _) => simpl. adamc@162: adamc@158: Lemma progress' : forall t (E : Exp t), adamc@158: Closed E adamc@158: -> Val E \/ exists E', E ==> E'. adamc@158: induction 1; crush; adamc@159: repeat match goal with adamc@167: | [ H : Val _ |- _ ] => inversion H; []; clear H; my_crush' adamc@162: end; eauto 6. adamc@158: Qed. adamc@158: adamc@158: Theorem progress : forall t (E : Exp t), adamc@158: Val E \/ exists E', E ==> E'. adamc@158: intros; apply progress'; apply closed. adamc@158: Qed. adamc@169: (* end thide *) adamc@158: adamc@160: adamc@160: (** * Big-Step Semantics *) adamc@160: adamc@160: Reserved Notation "E1 ===> E2" (no associativity, at level 90). adamc@160: adamc@160: Inductive BigStep : forall t, Exp t -> Exp t -> Prop := adamc@160: | SConst : forall n, adamc@160: Const n ===> Const n adamc@160: | SPlus : forall E1 E2 n1 n2, adamc@160: E1 ===> Const n1 adamc@160: -> E2 ===> Const n2 adamc@160: -> Plus E1 E2 ===> Const (n1 + n2) adamc@160: adamc@160: | SApp : forall dom ran (E1 : Exp (dom --> ran)) E2 B V2 V, adamc@160: E1 ===> Abs B adamc@160: -> E2 ===> V2 adamc@160: -> Subst V2 B ===> V adamc@160: -> App E1 E2 ===> V adamc@160: | SAbs : forall dom ran (B : Exp1 dom ran), adamc@160: Abs B ===> Abs B adamc@160: adamc@160: where "E1 ===> E2" := (BigStep E1 E2). adamc@160: adamc@160: Hint Constructors BigStep. adamc@160: adamc@169: (* EX: Prove the equivalence of the small- and big-step semantics. *) adamc@169: adamc@169: (* begin thide *) adamc@160: Reserved Notation "E1 ==>* E2" (no associativity, at level 90). adamc@160: adamc@160: Inductive MultiStep : forall t, Exp t -> Exp t -> Prop := adamc@160: | Done : forall t (E : Exp t), E ==>* E adamc@160: | OneStep : forall t (E E' E'' : Exp t), adamc@160: E ==> E' adamc@160: -> E' ==>* E'' adamc@160: -> E ==>* E'' adamc@160: adamc@160: where "E1 ==>* E2" := (MultiStep E1 E2). adamc@160: adamc@160: Hint Constructors MultiStep. adamc@160: adamc@160: Theorem MultiStep_trans : forall t (E1 E2 E3 : Exp t), adamc@160: E1 ==>* E2 adamc@160: -> E2 ==>* E3 adamc@160: -> E1 ==>* E3. adamc@160: induction 1; eauto. adamc@160: Qed. adamc@160: adamc@160: Theorem Big_Val : forall t (E V : Exp t), adamc@160: E ===> V adamc@160: -> Val V. adamc@160: induction 1; crush. adamc@160: Qed. adamc@160: adamc@160: Theorem Val_Big : forall t (V : Exp t), adamc@160: Val V adamc@160: -> V ===> V. adamc@160: destruct 1; crush. adamc@160: Qed. adamc@160: adamc@160: Hint Resolve Big_Val Val_Big. adamc@160: adamc@162: Lemma Multi_Cong : forall t t' (C : Ctx t t'), adamc@162: isCtx C adamc@162: -> forall E E', E ==>* E' adamc@162: -> C @ E ==>* C @ E'. adamc@160: induction 2; crush; eauto. adamc@160: Qed. adamc@160: adamc@162: Lemma Multi_Cong' : forall t t' (C : Ctx t t') E1 E2 E E', adamc@162: isCtx C adamc@162: -> E1 = C @ E adamc@162: -> E2 = C @ E' adamc@162: -> E ==>* E' adamc@162: -> E1 ==>* E2. adamc@162: crush; apply Multi_Cong; auto. adamc@162: Qed. adamc@162: adamc@162: Hint Resolve Multi_Cong'. adamc@162: adamc@162: Ltac mtrans E := adamc@162: match goal with adamc@162: | [ |- E ==>* _ ] => fail 1 adamc@162: | _ => apply MultiStep_trans with E; [ solve [ eauto ] | eauto ] adamc@162: end. adamc@160: adamc@160: Theorem Big_Multi : forall t (E V : Exp t), adamc@160: E ===> V adamc@160: -> E ==>* V. adamc@162: induction 1; crush; eauto; adamc@162: repeat match goal with adamc@162: | [ n1 : _, E2 : _ |- _ ] => mtrans (Plus (Const n1) E2) adamc@162: | [ n1 : _, n2 : _ |- _ ] => mtrans (Plus (Const n1) (Const n2)) adamc@162: | [ B : _, E2 : _ |- _ ] => mtrans (App (Abs B) E2) adamc@162: end. adamc@160: Qed. adamc@160: adamc@160: Lemma Big_Val' : forall t (V1 V2 : Exp t), adamc@160: Val V2 adamc@160: -> V1 = V2 adamc@160: -> V1 ===> V2. adamc@160: crush. adamc@160: Qed. adamc@160: adamc@160: Hint Resolve Big_Val'. adamc@160: adamc@167: Ltac equate_conj F G := adamc@167: match constr:(F, G) with adamc@167: | (_ ?x1, _ ?x2) => constr:(x1 = x2) adamc@167: | (_ ?x1 ?y1, _ ?x2 ?y2) => constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2) adamc@167: | (_ ?x1 ?y1 ?z1, _ ?x2 ?y2 ?z2) => constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2 /\ z1 = z2) adamc@222: | (_ ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 ?u1, _ ?x2 ?y2 ?z2 ?u2) => adamc@222: constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2 /\ z1 = z2 /\ u1 = u2) adamc@222: | (_ ?x1 ?y1 ?z1 ?u1 ?v1, _ ?x2 ?y2 ?z2 ?u2 ?v2) => adamc@222: constr:(x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2 /\ z1 = z2 /\ u1 = u2 /\ v1 = v2) adamc@167: end. adamc@167: adamc@167: Ltac my_crush := adamc@167: my_crush'; adamc@167: repeat (match goal with adamc@167: | [ H : ?F = ?G |- _ ] => adamc@167: (let H' := fresh "H'" in adamc@167: assert (H' : F (fun _ => unit) = G (fun _ => unit)); [ congruence adamc@167: | discriminate || injection H'; clear H' ]; adamc@167: my_crush'; adamc@167: repeat match goal with adamc@167: | [ H : context[fun _ => unit] |- _ ] => clear H adamc@167: end; adamc@167: match type of H with adamc@167: | ?F = ?G => adamc@167: let ec := equate_conj F G in adamc@167: let var := fresh "var" in adamc@167: assert ec; [ intuition; unfold Exp; apply ext_eq; intro var; adamc@167: assert (H' : F var = G var); try congruence; adamc@167: match type of H' with adamc@167: | ?X = ?Y => adamc@167: let X := eval hnf in X in adamc@167: let Y := eval hnf in Y in adamc@167: change (X = Y) in H' adamc@167: end; injection H'; my_crush'; tauto adamc@167: | intuition; subst ] adamc@167: end); adamc@167: clear H adamc@167: end; my_crush'); adamc@167: my_crush'. adamc@167: adamc@160: Lemma Multi_Big' : forall t (E E' : Exp t), adamc@160: E ==> E' adamc@160: -> forall E'', E' ===> E'' adamc@160: -> E ===> E''. adamc@160: induction 1; crush; eauto; adamc@160: match goal with adamc@160: | [ H : _ ===> _ |- _ ] => inversion H; my_crush; eauto adamc@162: end; adamc@162: match goal with adamc@162: | [ H : isCtx _ |- _ ] => inversion H; my_crush; eauto adamc@160: end. adamc@160: Qed. adamc@160: adamc@160: Hint Resolve Multi_Big'. adamc@160: adamc@160: Theorem Multi_Big : forall t (E V : Exp t), adamc@160: E ==>* V adamc@160: -> Val V adamc@160: -> E ===> V. adamc@160: induction 1; crush; eauto. adamc@160: Qed. adamc@169: (* end thide *)