Library lib.Esets

Sets over types with decidable equality

(** version 1.0

Usage example for a set of naturals

Require Esets.

Module NatEq <: Esets.EQ.
  Definition dom := nat.
  Definition dom_eq_dec := eq_nat_dec.
End NatEq.

Module NatSet := Esets.MakeSet(NatEq).

Require Import List Elists.

Set Implicit Arguments.

A signature for a data type with decidable equality
Module Type EQ.
  Parameter dom : Set.
  Parameter dom_eq_dec : forall (x y : dom), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
End EQ.

Module MakeSet (Param : EQ) .
  Import Param.

  Definition set := list dom.

The empty set
  Definition empty : set := nil.

  Fixpoint In (x: dom) (l:set) {struct l} : bool :=
    match l with
    | nil => false
    | b :: m => if dom_eq_dec x b then
                else In x m

  Fixpoint incl (s1 s2 : set) { struct s1} : bool :=
    match s1 with
      nil => true
    | x :: s11 =>
        match In x s2 with
           true => incl s11 s2
         | _ => false

Set equality
  Definition seq (s1 s2: set) : bool :=
    match incl s1 s2, incl s2 s1 with
      true, true => true
    | _, _ => false
   Hint Unfold seq.

Add an element to a set
  Fixpoint add (v: dom) (s : set) { struct s } : set :=
    match s with
     | nil => v :: nil
     | v' :: t => if dom_eq_dec v v' then s else v' :: add v t

Remove an element from a set
  Fixpoint remove (s : set) (v : dom) {struct s} : set :=
    match s with
      | nil => nil
      | v' :: s' =>
        if dom_eq_dec v v'
          then s'
          else v' :: remove s' v

Set union
  Fixpoint union (s1 s2 : set) {struct s1} : set :=
    match s1 with
      | nil => s2
      | v :: s1' => add v (union s1' s2)

  Fixpoint intersect (s1 s2 : set) {struct s1} : set :=
    match s1 with
      | nil => nil
      | v :: s1' =>
        if In v s2
          then v :: intersect s1' s2
          else intersect s1' s2

A fold operation
  Definition fold (A: Type) (f: A -> dom -> A) (s: set) (start: A) : A
    := Elists.fold f s start.

forall operation
  Fixpoint setall (f: dom -> bool) (s: set) { struct s } : bool :=
    match s with
      nil => true
    | h::t => if f h then setall f t else false

exists operation
  Fixpoint setexists (f: dom -> bool) (s: set) { struct s } : bool :=
    match s with
      nil => false
    | h::t => if f h then true else setexists f t

The elements of a set, as a list
  Definition elems (s : set) : list dom := s.

Theorems about sets

   Ltac setSimpl :=
    repeat match goal with
      | [ |- context[if dom_eq_dec ?V1 ?V2 then _ else _] ] =>
              destruct (dom_eq_dec V1 V2); try subst; simpl; intuition
      | [ H : context[if dom_eq_dec ?V1 ?V2 then _ else _] |- _ ] =>
              destruct (dom_eq_dec V1 V2); try subst; simpl; intuition
      | [ H : context[nil] |- _ ] => progress simpl in H
      | [ H : context[_ :: _] |- _ ] => progress simpl in H
      | [ |- context[nil] ] => progress simpl
      | [ |- context[_ :: _] ] => progress simpl

  Theorem In_dec: forall v s,
        {In v s = true} + {In v s = false}.

Theorems about In

Theorem In_empty : forall x, In x empty = false. unfold empty; simpl; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve In_empty.

Theorem In_list: forall x s, List.In x s <-> In x s = true. intros. induction s; simpl; intuition; try discriminate. subst. destruct (dom_eq_dec x x); auto. elim n; auto.

destruct (dom_eq_dec x a); auto.

destruct (dom_eq_dec x a). intuition. right. auto. Qed.

(** *** Theorems about add
  Theorem In_add : forall v v' s,
      In v (add v' s) = true -> v = v' \/ In v s = true.

  Theorem In_add_eq : forall v s, In v (add v s) = true.
   Hint Resolve In_add_eq.

  Theorem In_add_already: forall v v' s,
      In v s = true -> In v (add v' s) = true.
   Hint Resolve In_add_already.

  Theorem In_add_neq : forall s v v',
    v <> v' -> In v' (add v s) = In v' s.
   Hint Resolve In_add_neq.

  Lemma In_eq : forall a t,
       In a (a :: t) = true.
   Hint Resolve In_eq.

Theorems about incl

  Theorem incl_empty : forall s, incl empty s = true.
   Hint Resolve incl_empty.
  Theorem incl_empty_empty: forall s, incl s empty = true -> s = empty.

  Theorem incl_ok : forall s1 s2,
    incl s1 s2 = true <-> (forall x, In x s1 = true -> In x s2 = true).

  Theorem incl_refl : forall s,
      incl s s = true.
   Hint Resolve incl_refl.

  Theorem incl_false : forall s1 s2,
    incl s1 s2 = false
    -> exists x, In x s1 = true /\ In x s2 = false.

  Theorem incl_trans : forall s1 s2,
    incl s1 s2 = true
    -> forall s3, incl s2 s3 = true -> incl s1 s3 = true.

  Theorem incl_In : forall s1 s2,
    incl s1 s2 = true -> forall x, In x s1 = true -> In x s2 = true.

  Theorem incl_add : forall s v,
    incl s (add v s) = true.
   Hint Resolve incl_add.

  Theorem incl_union_left : forall s1 s1' s2,
    incl s1 s1' = true -> incl s1 (union s1' s2) = true.
   Hint Resolve incl_union_left.

  Theorem incl_union_right : forall s1 s2 s2',
    incl s2 s2' = true -> incl s2 (union s1 s2') = true.
   Hint Resolve incl_union_right.

Theorems about seq

  Theorem seq_refl : forall s : set, seq s s = true.
   Hint Resolve seq_refl.

  Theorem seq_trans : forall x y z:set, seq x y = true ->
                                      seq y z = true ->
                                      seq x z = true.
  Theorem seq_sym : forall x y:set, seq x y = true -> seq y x = true.

Theorems about union

  Theorem union_empty_left : forall s : set, seq (union empty s) s = true.
   Hint Resolve union_empty_left.

  Theorem union_empty_right : forall s:set, seq s (union s empty) = true.
   Hint Resolve union_empty_right.
  Theorem union_comm : forall s1 s2:set, seq (union s1 s2) (union s2 s1) = true.
   Hint Resolve union_comm.
  Theorem union_ass :
   forall s1 s2 s3:set,
          seq (union (union s1 s2) s3) (union s1 (union s2 s3)) = true.
   Hint Resolve union_ass.
  Theorem seq_union_left : forall s1 s2 s:set,
                           seq s1 s2 = true ->
                           seq (union s1 s) (union s2 s) = true.
   Hint Resolve seq_union_left.
  Lemma seq_union_right : forall s1 s2 s:set,
                          seq s1 s2 = true ->
                          seq (union s s1) (union s s2) = true.
   Hint Resolve seq_union_right.

  Theorem union_congr : forall s1 s1' s2 s2' : set,
                        seq s1 s1' = true ->
                        seq s2 s2' = true ->
                        seq (union s1 s2) (union s1' s2') = true.

  Theorem In_union_left : forall v s1 s2,
    In v s1 = true -> In v (union s1 s2) = true.
   Hint Resolve In_union_left.

  Theorem In_union_right : forall v s1 s2,
    In v s2 = true -> In v (union s1 s2) = true.
   Hint Resolve In_union_right.

  Theorem In_union : forall v s1 s2,
    In v (union s1 s2) = true -> In v s1 = true \/ In v s2 = true.

  Lemma union_idempotent' : forall s s',
    incl s s' = true -> union s s' = s'.

  Theorem union_idempotent : forall s,
     union s s = s.
   Hint Resolve union_idempotent.

Theorems about intersect

  Theorem In_intersect : forall v s' s,
    In v (intersect s s') = true
    -> In v s = true /\ In v s' = true.

  Theorem In_intersect' : forall v s' s,
    In v (intersect s s') = false
    -> In v s = false \/ In v s' = false.

  Theorem elems_ok : forall s x,
    List.In x (elems s) <-> In x s = true.
  Theorem elems_remove : forall s x ls,
    elems s = x :: ls
    -> elems (remove s x) = ls.

Theorems about remove

  Theorem In_remove : forall x x' s,
    In x s = true
    -> x <> x'
    -> In x (remove s x') = true.

Theorems about fold

Fold transitions from property P0 to property P1, if P0 holds initially P1 is established at some element, and both are preserved. Must invoke with a specific P0. Use fold_monotone_1 if P0 = P1 and fold_monotone_2 if P0 = True
  Theorem fold_monotone_gen: forall (Acc:Type)
                                (P0: Acc -> Prop)
                                (s: set)
                                (start: Acc)
                                (f: Acc -> dom -> Acc)
                                (P1: Acc -> Prop),
          P0 start ->

          (forall x acc, In x s = true -> P0 acc -> P0 (f acc x)) ->
          (exists x: dom, In x s = true /\
                          forall acc, P0 acc -> P1 (f acc x)) ->
          (forall x acc, In x s = true -> P1 acc -> P1 (f acc x)) ->
          P1 (fold f s start).

Fold for a monotonic function is monotonic
  Theorem fold_monotone_1: forall (Acc:Type)
                                (s: set)
                                (start: Acc)
                                (f: Acc -> dom -> Acc)
                                (P: Acc -> Prop),
          P start ->           (forall x acc, In x s = true -> P acc -> P (f acc x)) ->

          P (fold f s start).

Fold for a monotonic function establishes a property, if the property is established by some element in the list and the folded function is monotone.
  Theorem fold_monotone_2: forall (Acc:Type)
                                (s: set)
                                (start: Acc)
                                (f: Acc -> dom -> Acc)
                                (P: Acc -> Prop),

          (exists x: dom, In x s = true /\ forall acc, P (f acc x)) ->

          (forall x acc, In x s = true -> P acc -> P (f acc x)) ->

          P (fold f s start).
  Definition dom := dom.
End MakeSet.


  • version 1.0 (Oct 21, 2006). First version.

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