Making Concurrent Hardware Verification Sequential

Thomas Bourgeat, Jiazheng Liu, Adam Chlipala, Arvind. Making Concurrent Hardware Verification Sequential. Proceedings of the 46th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'25). June 2025. Conditionally accepted.

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Compared to familiar hardware-description languages like Verilog, rule-based languages like Bluespec offer opportunities to import modularity features from software programming. While Verilog modules are about connecting wires between submodules, Bluespec modules resemble objects in object-oriented programming, where interactions with a module occur only through calls to its methods. However, while software objects can typically be characterized one method at a time, the concurrent nature of hardware makes it essential to consider the repercussions of invoking multiple methods simultaneously. Prior formalizations of rule-based languages conceptualized modules by describing their semantics considering arbitrary sets of simultaneous method calls. This internalized concurrency significantly complicates correctness proofs. Rather than analyzing methods one-at-a-time, as is done when verifying software object methods, validating the correctness of rule-based modules necessitated simultaneous consideration of arbitrary subsets of method calls. The result was a number of proof cases that grew exponentially in the size of the module's API.

In this work, we side-step the exponential blowup through a set of judicious language restrictions. We introduce a new Bluespec-inspired formal language, Fjfj, that supports sequential characterization of modules, while preserving the concurrent hardware nature of the language. We evaluated FJfj by implementing it in Coq, proving key properties of its metatheory, and showing its expressivity via implementations and verification of several examples: a pipelined processor, a parameterized crossbar, and a network switch.