Library Cpdt.Coinductive
Fixpoint bad (u : unit) : P := bad u.
Computing with Infinite Data
Section stream.
Variable A : Type.
CoInductive stream : Type :=
| Cons : A -> stream -> stream.
End stream.
The definition is surprisingly simple. Starting from the definition of list, we just need to change the keyword Inductive to CoInductive. We could have left a Nil constructor in our definition, but we will leave it out to force all of our streams to be infinite.
How do we write down a stream constant? Obviously, simple application of constructors is not good enough, since we could only denote finite objects that way. Rather, whereas recursive definitions were necessary to use values of recursive inductive types effectively, here we find that we need co-recursive definitions to build values of co-inductive types effectively.
We can define a stream consisting only of zeroes.
CoFixpoint trues_falses : stream bool := Cons true falses_trues
with falses_trues : stream bool := Cons false trues_falses.
Co-inductive values are fair game as arguments to recursive functions, and we can use that fact to write a function to take a finite approximation of a stream.
Fixpoint approx A (s : stream A) (n : nat) : list A :=
match n with
| O => nil
| S n' =>
match s with
| Cons h t => h :: approx t n'
Eval simpl in approx zeroes 10.
= true
:: false
:: true
:: false
:: true :: false :: true :: false :: true :: false :: nil
: list bool
So far, it looks like co-inductive types might be a magic bullet, allowing us to import all of the Haskeller's usual tricks. However, there are important restrictions that are dual to the restrictions on the use of inductive types. Fixpoints consume values of inductive types, with restrictions on which arguments may be passed in recursive calls. Dually, co-fixpoints produce values of co-inductive types, with restrictions on what may be done with the results of co-recursive calls.
The restriction for co-inductive types shows up as the guardedness condition. First, consider this stream definition, which would be legal in Haskell.
CoFixpoint looper : stream nat := looper.
The rule we have run afoul of here is that every co-recursive call must be guarded by a constructor; that is, every co-recursive call must be a direct argument to a constructor of the co-inductive type we are generating. It is a good thing that this rule is enforced. If the definition of looper were accepted, our approx function would run forever when passed looper, and we would have fallen into inconsistency.
Some familiar functions are easy to write in co-recursive fashion.
CoFixpoint looper : stream nat := looper.
Error: Recursive definition of looper is ill-formed. In environment looper : stream nat unguarded recursive call in "looper"
Section map.
Variables A B : Type.
Variable f : A -> B.
CoFixpoint map (s : stream A) : stream B :=
match s with
| Cons h t => Cons (f h) (map t)
End map.
This code is a literal copy of that for the list map function, with the nil case removed and Fixpoint changed to CoFixpoint. Many other standard functions on lazy data structures can be implemented just as easily. Some, like filter, cannot be implemented. Since the predicate passed to filter may reject every element of the stream, we cannot satisfy the guardedness condition.
The implications of the condition can be subtle. To illustrate how, we start off with another co-recursive function definition that is legal. The function interleave takes two streams and produces a new stream that alternates between their elements.
Section interleave.
Variable A : Type.
CoFixpoint interleave (s1 s2 : stream A) : stream A :=
match s1, s2 with
| Cons h1 t1, Cons h2 t2 => Cons h1 (Cons h2 (interleave t1 t2))
End interleave.
Now say we want to write a weird stuttering version of map that repeats elements in a particular way, based on interleaving.
CoFixpoint map' (s : stream A) : stream B :=
match s with
| Cons h t => interleave (Cons (f h) (map' t)) (Cons (f h) (map' t))
What is going wrong here? Imagine that, instead of interleave, we had called some other, less well-behaved function on streams. Here is one simpler example demonstrating the essential pitfall. We start by defining a standard function for taking the tail of a stream. Since streams are infinite, this operation is total.
Coq rejects the following definition that uses tl.
CoFixpoint bad : stream nat := tl (Cons 0 bad).
Imagine that Coq had accepted our definition, and consider how we might evaluate approx bad 1. We would be trying to calculate the first element in the stream bad. However, it is not hard to see that the definition of bad "begs the question": unfolding the definition of tl, we see that we essentially say "define bad to equal itself"! Of course such an equation admits no single well-defined solution, which does not fit well with the determinism of Gallina reduction.
Coq's complete rule for co-recursive definitions includes not just the basic guardedness condition, but also a requirement about where co-recursive calls may occur. In particular, a co-recursive call must be a direct argument to a constructor, nested only inside of other constructor calls or fun or match expressions. In the definition of bad, we erroneously nested the co-recursive call inside a call to tl, and we nested inside a call to interleave in the definition of map'.
Coq helps the user out a little by performing the guardedness check after using computation to simplify terms. For instance, any co-recursive function definition can be expanded by inserting extra calls to an identity function, and this change preserves guardedness. However, in other cases computational simplification can reveal why definitions are dangerous. Consider what happens when we inline the definition of tl in bad:
CoFixpoint bad : stream nat := bad.
This is the same looping definition we rejected earlier. A similar inlining process reveals an alternate view on our failed definition of map':
CoFixpoint map' (s : stream A) : stream B :=
match s with
| Cons h t => Cons (f h) (Cons (f h) (interleave (map' t) (map' t)))
Clearly in this case the map' calls are not immediate arguments to constructors, so we violate the guardedness condition.
CoFixpoint bad : stream nat := tl (Cons 0 bad).
CoFixpoint bad : stream nat := bad.
CoFixpoint map' (s : stream A) : stream B :=
match s with
| Cons h t => Cons (f h) (Cons (f h) (interleave (map' t) (map' t)))
A more interesting question is why that condition is the right one. We can make an intuitive argument that the original map' definition is perfectly reasonable and denotes a well-understood transformation on streams, such that every output would behave properly with approx. The guardedness condition is an example of a syntactic check for productivity of co-recursive definitions. A productive definition can be thought of as one whose outputs can be forced in finite time to any finite approximation level, as with approx. If we replaced the guardedness condition with more involved checks, we might be able to detect and allow a broader range of productive definitions. However, mistakes in these checks could cause inconsistency, and programmers would need to understand the new, more complex checks. Coq's design strikes a balance between consistency and simplicity with its choice of guard condition, though we can imagine other worthwhile balances being struck, too.
Let us say we want to give two different definitions of a stream of all ones, and then we want to prove that they are equivalent.
Infinite Proofs
The obvious statement of the equality is this:
However, faced with the initial subgoal, it is not at all clear how this theorem can be proved. In fact, it is unprovable. The eq predicate that we use is fundamentally limited to equalities that can be demonstrated by finite, syntactic arguments. To prove this equivalence, we will need to introduce a new relation.
Co-inductive datatypes make sense by analogy from Haskell. What we need now is a co-inductive proposition. That is, we want to define a proposition whose proofs may be infinite, subject to the guardedness condition. The idea of infinite proofs does not show up in usual mathematics, but it can be very useful (unsurprisingly) for reasoning about infinite data structures. Besides examples from Haskell, infinite data and proofs will also turn out to be useful for modelling inherently infinite mathematical objects, like program executions.
We are ready for our first co-inductive predicate.
Section stream_eq.
Variable A : Type.
CoInductive stream_eq : stream A -> stream A -> Prop :=
| Stream_eq : forall h t1 t2,
stream_eq t1 t2
-> stream_eq (Cons h t1) (Cons h t2).
End stream_eq.
We say that two streams are equal if and only if they have the same heads and their tails are equal. We use the normal finite-syntactic equality for the heads, and we refer to our new equality recursively for the tails.
We can try restating the theorem with stream_eq.
Coq does not support tactical co-inductive proofs as well as it supports tactical inductive proofs. The usual starting point is the cofix tactic, which asks to structure this proof as a co-fixpoint.
cofix ones_eq.
ones_eq : stream_eq ones ones'
stream_eq ones ones'
Proof completed.
Error: Recursive definition of ones_eq is ill-formed. In environment ones_eq : stream_eq ones ones' unguarded recursive call in "ones_eq"
ones_eq : stream_eq ones ones'
stream_eq ones ones'
First, we need to define a function that seems pointless at first glance.
Next, we need to prove a theorem that seems equally pointless.
But, miraculously, this theorem turns out to be just what we needed.
We can use the theorem to rewrite the two streams.
ones_eq : stream_eq ones ones'
stream_eq (frob ones) (frob ones')
ones_eq : stream_eq ones ones'
stream_eq (Cons 1 ones)
(Cons 1
((cofix map (s : stream nat) : stream nat :=
match s with
| Cons h t => Cons (S h) (map t)
end) zeroes))
ones_eq : stream_eq ones ones'
stream_eq ones
((cofix map (s : stream nat) : stream nat :=
match s with
| Cons h t => Cons (S h) (map t)
end) zeroes)
Why did this silly-looking trick help? The answer has to do with the constraints placed on Coq's evaluation rules by the need for termination. The cofix-related restriction that foiled our first attempt at using simpl is dual to a restriction for fix. In particular, an application of an anonymous fix only reduces when the top-level structure of the recursive argument is known. Otherwise, we would be unfolding the recursive definition ad infinitum.
Fixpoints only reduce when enough is known about the definitions of their arguments. Dually, co-fixpoints only reduce when enough is known about how their results will be used. In particular, a cofix is only expanded when it is the discriminee of a match. Rewriting with our superficially silly lemma wrapped new matches around the two cofixes, triggering reduction.
If cofixes reduced haphazardly, it would be easy to run into infinite loops in evaluation, since we are, after all, building infinite objects.
One common source of difficulty with co-inductive proofs is bad interaction with standard Coq automation machinery. If we try to prove ones_eq' with automation, like we have in previous inductive proofs, we get an invalid proof.
The standard auto machinery sees that our goal matches an assumption and so applies that assumption, even though this violates guardedness. A correct proof strategy for a theorem like this usually starts by destructing some parameter and running a custom tactic to figure out the first proof rule to apply for each case. Alternatively, there are tricks that can be played with "hiding" the co-inductive hypothesis.
Must we always be cautious with automation in proofs by co-induction? Induction seems to have dual versions of the same pitfalls inherent in it, and yet we avoid those pitfalls by encapsulating safe Curry-Howard recursion schemes inside named induction principles. It turns out that we can usually do the same with co-induction principles. Let us take that tack here, so that we can arrive at an induction x; crush-style proof for ones_eq'.
An induction principle is parameterized over a predicate characterizing what we mean to prove, as a function of the inductive fact that we already know. Dually, a co-induction principle ought to be parameterized over a predicate characterizing what we mean to prove, as a function of the arguments to the co-inductive predicate that we are trying to prove.
To state a useful principle for stream_eq, it will be useful first to define the stream head function.
Now we enter a section for the co-induction principle, based on Park's principle as introduced in a tutorial by Gimenez.
This relation generalizes the theorem we want to prove, defining a set of pairs of streams that we must eventually prove contains the particular pair we care about.
Hypothesis Cons_case_hd : forall s1 s2, R s1 s2 -> hd s1 = hd s2.
Hypothesis Cons_case_tl : forall s1 s2, R s1 s2 -> R (tl s1) (tl s2).
Two hypotheses characterize what makes a good choice of R: it enforces equality of stream heads, and it is hereditary in the sense that an R stream pair passes on "R-ness" to its tails. An established technical term for such a relation is bisimulation.
Now it is straightforward to prove the principle, which says that any stream pair in R is equal. The reader may wish to step through the proof script to see what is going on.
Theorem stream_eq_coind : forall s1 s2, R s1 s2 -> stream_eq s1 s2.
cofix stream_eq_coind; destruct s1; destruct s2; intro.
generalize (Cons_case_hd H); intro Heq; simpl in Heq; rewrite Heq.
apply stream_eq_coind.
apply (Cons_case_tl H).
End stream_eq_coind.
To see why this proof is guarded, we can print it and verify that the one co-recursive call is an immediate argument to a constructor.
We omit the output and proceed to proving ones_eq'' again. The only bit of ingenuity is in choosing R, and in this case the most restrictive predicate works.
Theorem ones_eq'' : stream_eq ones ones'.
apply (stream_eq_coind (fun s1 s2 => s1 = ones /\ s2 = ones')); crush.
Note that this proof achieves the proper reduction behavior via hd and tl, rather than frob as in the last proof. All three functions pattern match on their arguments, catalyzing computation steps.
Compared to the inductive proofs that we are used to, it still seems unsatisfactory that we had to write out a choice of R in the last proof. An alternate is to capture a common pattern of co-recursion in a more specialized co-induction principle. For the current example, that pattern is: prove stream_eq s1 s2 where s1 and s2 are defined as their own tails.
Section stream_eq_loop.
Variable A : Type.
Variables s1 s2 : stream A.
Hypothesis Cons_case_hd : hd s1 = hd s2.
Hypothesis loop1 : tl s1 = s1.
Hypothesis loop2 : tl s2 = s2.
The proof of the principle includes a choice of R, so that we no longer need to make such choices thereafter.
Theorem stream_eq_loop : stream_eq s1 s2.
apply (stream_eq_coind (fun s1' s2' => s1' = s1 /\ s2' = s2)); crush.
End stream_eq_loop.
Theorem ones_eq''' : stream_eq ones ones'.
apply stream_eq_loop; crush.
Let us put stream_eq_coind through its paces a bit more, considering two different ways to compute infinite streams of all factorial values. First, we import the fact factorial function from the standard library.
Require Import Arith.
Print fact.
fact =
fix fact (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| S n0 => S n0 * fact n0
: nat -> nat
CoFixpoint fact_slow' (n : nat) := Cons (fact n) (fact_slow' (S n)).
Definition fact_slow := fact_slow' 1.
A more clever, optimized method maintains an accumulator of the previous factorial, so that each new entry can be computed with a single multiplication.
CoFixpoint fact_iter' (cur acc : nat) := Cons acc (fact_iter' (S cur) (acc * cur)).
Definition fact_iter := fact_iter' 2 1.
We can verify that the streams are equal up to particular finite bounds.
= 1 :: 2 :: 6 :: 24 :: 120 :: nil
: list nat
Lemma fact_def : forall x n,
fact_iter' x (fact n * S n) = fact_iter' x (fact (S n)).
simpl; intros; f_equal; ring.
Hint Resolve fact_def.
With the hint added, it is easy to prove an auxiliary lemma relating fact_iter' and fact_slow'. The key bit of ingenuity is introduction of an existential quantifier for the shared parameter n.
Lemma fact_eq' : forall n, stream_eq (fact_iter' (S n) (fact n)) (fact_slow' n).
intro; apply (stream_eq_coind (fun s1 s2 => exists n, s1 = fact_iter' (S n) (fact n)
/\ s2 = fact_slow' n)); crush; eauto.
The final theorem is a direct corollary of fact_eq'.
As in the case of ones_eq', we may be unsatisfied that we needed to write down a choice of R that seems to duplicate information already present in a lemma statement. We can facilitate a simpler proof by defining a co-induction principle specialized to goals that begin with single universal quantifiers, and the strategy can be extended in a straightforward way to principles for other counts of quantifiers. (Our stream_eq_loop principle is effectively the instantiation of this technique to zero quantifiers.)
We have the types A, the domain of the one quantifier; and B, the type of data found in the streams.
The two streams we compare must be of the forms f x and g x, for some shared x. Note that this falls out naturally when x is a shared universally quantified variable in a lemma statement.
Hypothesis Cons_case_hd : forall x, hd (f x) = hd (g x).
Hypothesis Cons_case_tl : forall x, exists y, tl (f x) = f y /\ tl (g x) = g y.
These conditions are inspired by the bisimulation requirements, with a more general version of the R choice we made for fact_eq' inlined into the hypotheses of stream_eq_coind.
Theorem stream_eq_onequant : forall x, stream_eq (f x) (g x).
intro; apply (stream_eq_coind (fun s1 s2 => exists x, s1 = f x /\ s2 = g x)); crush; eauto.
End stream_eq_onequant.
Lemma fact_eq'' : forall n, stream_eq (fact_iter' (S n) (fact n)) (fact_slow' n).
apply stream_eq_onequant; crush; eauto.
We have arrived at one of our customary automated proofs, thanks to the new principle.
Simple Modeling of Non-Terminating Programs
We define a type vars of maps from variables to values. To define a function set for setting a variable's value in a map, we use the standard library function beq_nat for comparing natural numbers.
Definition vars := var -> nat.
Definition set (vs : vars) (v : var) (n : nat) : vars :=
fun v' => if beq_nat v v' then n else vs v'.
We define a simple arithmetic expression language with variables, and we give it a semantics via an interpreter.
Inductive exp : Set :=
| Const : nat -> exp
| Var : var -> exp
| Plus : exp -> exp -> exp.
Fixpoint evalExp (vs : vars) (e : exp) : nat :=
match e with
| Const n => n
| Var v => vs v
| Plus e1 e2 => evalExp vs e1 + evalExp vs e2
Finally, we define a language of commands. It includes variable assignment, sequencing, and a while form that repeats as long as its test expression evaluates to a nonzero value.
Inductive cmd : Set :=
| Assign : var -> exp -> cmd
| Seq : cmd -> cmd -> cmd
| While : exp -> cmd -> cmd.
We could define an inductive relation to characterize the results of command evaluation. However, such a relation would not capture nonterminating executions. With a co-inductive relation, we can capture both cases. The parameters of the relation are an initial state, a command, and a final state. A program that does not terminate in a particular initial state is related to any final state. For more realistic languages than this one, it is often possible for programs to crash, in which case a semantics would generally relate their executions to no final states; so relating safely non-terminating programs to all final states provides a crucial distinction.
CoInductive evalCmd : vars -> cmd -> vars -> Prop :=
| EvalAssign : forall vs v e, evalCmd vs (Assign v e) (set vs v (evalExp vs e))
| EvalSeq : forall vs1 vs2 vs3 c1 c2, evalCmd vs1 c1 vs2
-> evalCmd vs2 c2 vs3
-> evalCmd vs1 (Seq c1 c2) vs3
| EvalWhileFalse : forall vs e c, evalExp vs e = 0
-> evalCmd vs (While e c) vs
| EvalWhileTrue : forall vs1 vs2 vs3 e c, evalExp vs1 e <> 0
-> evalCmd vs1 c vs2
-> evalCmd vs2 (While e c) vs3
-> evalCmd vs1 (While e c) vs3.
Having learned our lesson in the last section, before proceeding, we build a co-induction principle for evalCmd.
Section evalCmd_coind.
Variable R : vars -> cmd -> vars -> Prop.
Hypothesis AssignCase : forall vs1 vs2 v e, R vs1 (Assign v e) vs2
-> vs2 = set vs1 v (evalExp vs1 e).
Hypothesis SeqCase : forall vs1 vs3 c1 c2, R vs1 (Seq c1 c2) vs3
-> exists vs2, R vs1 c1 vs2 /\ R vs2 c2 vs3.
Hypothesis WhileCase : forall vs1 vs3 e c, R vs1 (While e c) vs3
-> (evalExp vs1 e = 0 /\ vs3 = vs1)
\/ exists vs2, evalExp vs1 e <> 0 /\ R vs1 c vs2 /\ R vs2 (While e c) vs3.
The proof is routine. We make use of a form of destruct that takes an intro pattern in an as clause. These patterns control how deeply we break apart the components of an inductive value, and we refer the reader to the Coq manual for more details.
Theorem evalCmd_coind : forall vs1 c vs2, R vs1 c vs2 -> evalCmd vs1 c vs2.
cofix evalCmd_coind; intros; destruct c.
rewrite (AssignCase H); constructor.
destruct (SeqCase H) as [? [? ?]]; econstructor; eauto.
destruct (WhileCase H) as [[? ?] | [? [? [? ?]]]]; subst; econstructor; eauto.
End evalCmd_coind.
Now that we have a co-induction principle, we should use it to prove something! Our example is a trivial program optimizer that finds places to replace 0 + e with e.
Fixpoint optExp (e : exp) : exp :=
match e with
| Plus (Const 0) e => optExp e
| Plus e1 e2 => Plus (optExp e1) (optExp e2)
| _ => e
Fixpoint optCmd (c : cmd) : cmd :=
match c with
| Assign v e => Assign v (optExp e)
| Seq c1 c2 => Seq (optCmd c1) (optCmd c2)
| While e c => While (optExp e) (optCmd c)
Before proving correctness of optCmd, we prove a lemma about optExp. This is where we have to do the most work, choosing pattern match opportunities automatically.
Lemma optExp_correct : forall vs e, evalExp vs (optExp e) = evalExp vs e.
induction e; crush;
repeat (match goal with
| [ |- context[match ?E with Const _ => _ | _ => _ end] ] => destruct E
| [ |- context[match ?E with O => _ | S _ => _ end] ] => destruct E
end; crush).
Hint Rewrite optExp_correct.
The final theorem is easy to establish, using our co-induction principle and a bit of Ltac smarts that we leave unexplained for now. Curious readers can consult the Coq manual, or wait for the later chapters of this book about proof automation. At a high level, we show inclusions between behaviors, going in both directions between original and optimized programs.
Ltac finisher := match goal with
| [ H : evalCmd _ _ _ |- _ ] => ((inversion H; [])
|| (inversion H; [|])); subst
end; crush; eauto 10.
Lemma optCmd_correct1 : forall vs1 c vs2, evalCmd vs1 c vs2
-> evalCmd vs1 (optCmd c) vs2.
intros; apply (evalCmd_coind (fun vs1 c' vs2 => exists c, evalCmd vs1 c vs2
/\ c' = optCmd c)); eauto; crush;
match goal with
| [ H : _ = optCmd ?E |- _ ] => destruct E; simpl in *; discriminate
|| injection H; intros; subst
end; finisher.
Lemma optCmd_correct2 : forall vs1 c vs2, evalCmd vs1 (optCmd c) vs2
-> evalCmd vs1 c vs2.
intros; apply (evalCmd_coind (fun vs1 c vs2 => evalCmd vs1 (optCmd c) vs2));
crush; finisher.
Theorem optCmd_correct : forall vs1 c vs2, evalCmd vs1 (optCmd c) vs2
<-> evalCmd vs1 c vs2.
intuition; apply optCmd_correct1 || apply optCmd_correct2; assumption.
In this form, the theorem tells us that the optimizer preserves observable behavior of both terminating and nonterminating programs, but we did not have to do more work than for the case of terminating programs alone. We merely took the natural inductive definition for terminating executions, made it co-inductive, and applied the appropriate co-induction principle. Curious readers might experiment with adding command constructs like if; the same proof script should continue working, after the co-induction principle is extended to the new evaluation rules.