Library AndersenIter

Require Import Arith List TheoryList.

Require Import ListUtil Tactics Maps.
Require Import Pointer Machine AndersenModel AndersenSound.

Lemma incl_add : forall s a,
  AllocSet.incl s (AllocSet.add s a) = true.

Lemma incl_add2 : forall s1 s2 a,
  AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = true
  -> AllocSet.incl (AllocSet.add s1 a) (AllocSet.add s2 a) = true.

Hint Resolve incl_add2.

Lemma incl_union2 : forall s1 s2 s3 s4,
  AllocSet.incl s1 s3 = true
  -> AllocSet.incl s2 s4 = true
  -> AllocSet.incl (AllocSet.union s1 s2)
  (AllocSet.union s3 s4) = true.

Hint Resolve incl_union2.

Lemma incl_fold1 : forall (f : allocation_site -> AllocSet.set) x ls s,
  AllocSet.In x (fold_left
    (fun known site =>
      AllocSet.union known (f site))
    ls s) = true
  -> (AllocSet.In x s = true
    \/ exists y, In y ls /\ AllocSet.In x (f y) = true).

Lemma incl_fold2 : forall (f : allocation_site -> AllocSet.set) x ls s,
  (AllocSet.In x s = true
    \/ exists y, In y ls /\ AllocSet.In x (f y) = true)
  -> AllocSet.In x (fold_left
    (fun known site =>
      AllocSet.union known (f site))
    ls s) = true.

Lemma incl_elems : forall t1 t2 y,
  AllocSet.incl t1 t2 = true
  -> In y (AllocSet.elems t1)
  -> In y (AllocSet.elems t2).

Lemma incl_fold_read : forall (f1 f2 : allocation_site -> AllocSet.set) s1 s2 t1 t2,
  (forall a, AllocSet.incl (f1 a) (f2 a) = true)
  -> AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = true
  -> AllocSet.incl t1 t2 = true
  -> AllocSet.incl
    (fun known site =>
      AllocSet.union known (f1 site))
    (AllocSet.elems t1) s1)
    (fun known site =>
      AllocSet.union known (f2 site))
    (AllocSet.elems t2) s2) = true.

Hint Resolve incl_fold_read.

Lemma incl_fold3' : forall a (f : allocation_site -> AllocSet.set) s ls h,
  AllocMap.sel h a = AllocSet.union (f a) s
  -> AllocMap.sel
  (fold_left (fun known site =>
    AllocMap.upd known site (AllocSet.union (f site) s))
  ls h) a = AllocSet.union (f a) s.

Lemma incl_fold3 : forall f s a ls h,
  if In_eq_dec eq_nat_dec a ls
    then AllocMap.sel (fold_left (fun known site =>
      AllocMap.upd known site (AllocSet.union (f site) s))
    ls h) a = AllocSet.union (f a) s
    else AllocMap.sel (fold_left (fun known site =>
      AllocMap.upd known site (AllocSet.union (f site) s))
    ls h) a = AllocMap.sel h a.

Lemma incl_fold_write : forall a s1 s2 t1 t2 h1 h2,
  AllocSet.incl (AllocMap.sel h1 a) (AllocMap.sel h2 a) = true
  -> AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = true
  -> AllocSet.incl t1 t2 = true
  -> AllocSet.incl
  (AllocMap.sel (fold_left (fun known site =>
    AllocMap.upd known site (AllocSet.union (AllocMap.sel h1 site) s1))
  (AllocSet.elems t1) h1) a)
  (AllocMap.sel (fold_left (fun known site =>
    AllocMap.upd known site (AllocSet.union (AllocMap.sel h2 site) s2))
  (AllocSet.elems t2) h2) a) = true.

Hint Resolve incl_fold_write.

Definition ins_sites i :=
  match i with
    | AbsAllocate _ site => AllocSet.add AllocSet.empty site
    | _ => AllocSet.empty

Module VarSet : SET with Definition dom := var := AllocSet.

Definition ins_vars i :=
  match i with
    | AbsAllocate v _ => VarSet.add VarSet.empty v
    | AbsCopy v1 v2 => VarSet.add (VarSet.add VarSet.empty v1) v2
    | AbsRead v1 v2 => VarSet.add (VarSet.add VarSet.empty v1) v2
    | AbsWrite v1 v2 => VarSet.add (VarSet.add VarSet.empty v1) v2

Section prog.
   Variable program : list abstract_instruction.

  Definition pSites := fold_left AllocSet.union (map ins_sites program).
  Definition pVars := fold_left VarSet.union (map ins_vars program).
End prog.

Section fixed_point.
   Variable program : list abstract_instruction.

  Definition progSites := pSites program AllocSet.empty.
  Definition progVars := pVars program VarSet.empty.

  Record approx' (abs1 abs2 : abstract_state) : Prop := {
    approxVars : forall v, AllocSet.incl
      (VarMap.sel (avars abs1) v) (VarMap.sel (avars abs2) v) = true;
    approxHeap : forall a, AllocSet.incl
      (AllocMap.sel (aheap abs1) a) (AllocMap.sel (aheap abs2) a) = true

  Lemma increasing' : forall abs ins,
    approx' abs (abstract_exec ins abs).

  Lemma monotonic' : forall abs abs' ins,
    approx' abs abs'
    -> approx' (abstract_exec ins abs) (abstract_exec ins abs').

  Lemma approx_refl' : forall s, approx' s s.

  Lemma approx_trans' : forall s1 s2 s3,
    approx' s1 s2 -> approx' s2 s3 -> approx' s1 s3.

  Lemma approx_init' : forall s, approx' abstract_initState s.

  Record valid (abs : abstract_state) : Prop := {
    validVarsDom : forall v, VarSet.In v progVars = false
      -> AllocSet.incl (VarMap.sel (avars abs) v) AllocSet.empty = true;
    validHeapDom : forall a, AllocSet.In a progSites = false
      -> AllocSet.incl (AllocMap.sel (aheap abs) a) AllocSet.empty = true;
    validVars : forall v, AllocSet.incl (VarMap.sel (avars abs) v) progSites = true;
    validHeap : forall a, AllocSet.incl (AllocMap.sel (aheap abs) a) progSites = true

  Definition astate := sig valid.

  Definition approx (abs1 abs2 : astate) := approx' (proj1_sig abs1) (proj1_sig abs2).

  Record approxStrict (abs1 abs2 : astate) : Prop := {
    strictApprox : approx abs2 abs1;
    strictNe : (exists v, VarSet.In v progVars = true
      /\ AllocSet.incl (VarMap.sel (avars (proj1_sig abs1)) v)
      (VarMap.sel (avars (proj1_sig abs2)) v) = false)
    \/ exists a, AllocSet.In a progSites = true
      /\ AllocSet.incl (AllocMap.sel (aheap (proj1_sig abs1)) a)
      (AllocMap.sel (aheap (proj1_sig abs2)) a) = false

  Definition ainstruction := sig (fun ins => In ins program).

  Lemma fold_In_union : forall a ls s,
    AllocSet.In a s = true
    -> AllocSet.In a (fold_left AllocSet.union ls s) = true.

   Hint Resolve VarSet.incl_In VarSet.incl_union_left.

  Lemma fold_In_unionv : forall a ls s,
    VarSet.In a s = true
    -> VarSet.In a (fold_left VarSet.union ls s) = true.

  Lemma allocate_site : forall v a prog s,
    In (AbsAllocate v a) prog
      -> AllocSet.In a (pSites prog s) = true.

  Lemma incl_add3 : forall x s1 s2,
    AllocSet.In x s2 = true
    -> AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = true
    -> AllocSet.incl (AllocSet.add s1 x) s2 = true.

  Lemma incl_union : forall s1 s2 s3,
    AllocSet.incl s1 s3 = true
    -> AllocSet.incl s2 s3 = true
    -> AllocSet.incl (AllocSet.union s1 s2) s3 = true.

  Lemma incl_valid_read : forall (f : allocation_site -> AllocSet.set) s2 ls s1,
    AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = true
    -> (forall site, AllocSet.incl (f site) s2 = true)
    -> AllocSet.incl
      (fun known site => AllocSet.union known (f site))
      ls s1) s2 = true.

  Lemma incl_valid_write : forall a s1 s2 f ls h,
    AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = true
    -> (forall a, AllocSet.incl (f a) s2 = true)
    -> (forall a, AllocSet.incl (AllocMap.sel h a) s2 = true)
    -> AllocSet.incl
        (fun known site => AllocMap.upd known site
          (AllocSet.union (f site) s1))
        ls h) a)
    s2 = true.
   Hint Resolve VarSet.In_add_eq VarSet.In_add_neq VarSet.incl_union_right.

  Lemma allocate_var : forall v a prog s,
    In (AbsAllocate v a) prog
      -> VarSet.In v (pVars prog s) = true.

  Lemma copy_var : forall v a prog s,
    In (AbsCopy v a) prog
      -> VarSet.In v (pVars prog s) = true.

  Lemma read_var : forall v a prog s,
    In (AbsRead v a) prog
      -> VarSet.In v (pVars prog s) = true.

  Lemma write_var : forall v a prog s,
    In (AbsWrite v a) prog
      -> VarSet.In v (pVars prog s) = true.

  Lemma sel_write_valid : forall f s a ls h,
    (fold_left (fun known site => AllocMap.upd known site
      (AllocSet.union (f site) s))
    ls h) a
    = if In_eq_dec eq_nat_dec a ls
      then AllocSet.union (f a) s
      else AllocMap.sel h a.

  Lemma aexec' : forall ins abs, In ins program -> valid abs -> valid (abstract_exec ins abs).

  Definition aexec : ainstruction -> astate -> astate.

  Definition ainitState : astate.

  Lemma ainstr_widen : forall h t,
    {ins : abstract_instruction | In ins t}
    -> {ins : abstract_instruction | In ins (h :: t)}.

  Definition aprogram' : forall (prog : list abstract_instruction),
    list (sig (fun ins => In ins prog)).

  Definition aprogram := aprogram' program.
  Theorem increasing : forall abs ins,
    approx abs (aexec ins abs).

   Hint Resolve increasing.

  Theorem monotonic : forall abs abs' ins,
    approx abs abs'
    -> approx (aexec ins abs) (aexec ins abs').

   Hint Resolve monotonic.

  Theorem approx_refl : forall s, approx s s.

   Hint Resolve approx_refl.

  Theorem approx_trans : forall s1 s2 s3,
    approx s1 s2 -> approx s2 s3 -> approx s1 s3.

   Hint Resolve approx_trans.

  Theorem approx_init : forall s, approx ainitState s.

   Hint Resolve approx_init.

   Hint Resolve AllocSet.incl_empty.

  Theorem approxStrict_approx : forall s1 s2,
    approx s2 s1
    -> ~approxStrict s1 s2
    -> approx s1 s2.

   Hint Resolve approxStrict_approx.

  Theorem approxStrict_trans : forall s1 s2 s3,
    approx s2 s1 -> approxStrict s2 s3 -> approxStrict s1 s3.

   Hint Resolve approxStrict_trans.

  Definition approx_dec : forall abs1 abs2, {approx abs1 abs2} + {~approx abs1 abs2}.

  Definition approxStrict_dec : forall abs1 abs2, {approxStrict abs1 abs2} + {~approxStrict abs1 abs2}.

   Hint Resolve approxStrict_dec.

  Fixpoint distinct (ls : list nat) : Prop :=
    match ls with
      | nil => True
      | h::t => AllS (fun x => x <> h) t
        /\ distinct t

  Definition cardinality_atLeast s n :=
    exists ls, distinct ls
      /\ length ls = n
      /\ AllS (fun x => AllocSet.In x s = true) ls.
  Definition cardinality s n :=
    cardinality_atLeast s n
    /\ forall n', cardinality_atLeast s n' -> n' <= n.

  Definition bound := length (AllocSet.elems progSites).

  Definition neq_nat_dec : forall (x y : nat), {x <> y} + {~x <> y}.

  Definition distinctify : forall (ls : list allocation_site),
    {ls' : list allocation_site | distinct ls'
      /\ forall x, In x ls <-> In x ls'}.

  Lemma incl_S : forall (ls : list allocation_site) a,
    In a ls
    -> exists ls', length ls = S (length ls')
      /\ incl ls (a :: ls').

  Lemma incl_trans' : forall (a : allocation_site) ls1 ls2,
    distinct (a :: ls1)
    -> incl (a :: ls1) (a :: ls2)
    -> incl ls1 ls2.

  Lemma incl_length : forall (ls1 ls2 : list allocation_site),
    incl ls1 ls2
    -> distinct ls1
    -> length ls1 <= length ls2.

  Lemma card : forall s,
    AllocSet.incl s progSites = true
    -> {n : nat
      | n <= bound
        /\ cardinality s n}.

  Definition var_bounded : forall (abs : astate) (v : var),
    AllocSet.incl (VarMap.sel (avars (proj1_sig abs)) v) progSites = true.

  Definition site_bounded : forall (abs : astate) (s : allocation_site),
    AllocSet.incl (AllocMap.sel (aheap (proj1_sig abs)) s) progSites = true.

  Definition size (abs : astate) :=
    fold_right plus 0 (map (fun x => proj1_sig (card _ (var_bounded abs x)))
      (VarSet.elems progVars))
    + fold_right plus 0 (map (fun x => proj1_sig (card _ (site_bounded abs x)))
      (AllocSet.elems progSites)).
  Lemma mult_le : forall n x m y,
    x <= n * m
    -> y <= n
    -> y + x <= n * S m.

  Lemma size_bounded : forall abs,
    size abs <= bound * (length (VarSet.elems progVars) + length (AllocSet.elems progSites)).

  Lemma fold_plus_ge : forall (A : Set) f1 f2 (ls : list A),
    AllS (fun x => f1 x >= f2 x) ls
    -> fold_right plus 0 (map f1 ls) >= fold_right plus 0 (map f2 ls).

  Lemma fold_plus_gt : forall (A : Set) f1 f2 x,
    f1 x > f2 x
    -> forall (ls : list A), AllS (fun x => f1 x >= f2 x) ls
    -> In x ls
    -> fold_right plus 0 (map f1 ls) > fold_right plus 0 (map f2 ls).
  Lemma sum_plus1 : forall x1 y1 x2 y2,
    x1 > x2
    -> y1 >= y2
    -> x1 + y1 > x2 + y2.

  Lemma sum_plus2 : forall x1 y1 x2 y2,
    x1 >= x2
    -> y1 > y2
    -> x1 + y1 > x2 + y2.

  Lemma incl_cardinality' : forall s1 s2 c,
    AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = true
    -> cardinality_atLeast s1 c
    -> cardinality_atLeast s2 c.

  Lemma incl_cardinality : forall s1 s2 c1 c2,
    AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = true
    -> cardinality s1 c1
    -> cardinality s2 c2
    -> c1 <= c2.

  Lemma incl_gt : forall (x : allocation_site) ls2 ls1,
    distinct ls1
    -> incl ls1 ls2
    -> ~In x ls1
    -> In x ls2
    -> length ls2 > length ls1.

  Lemma set_grew : forall s1 s2 c1 c2,
    AllocSet.incl s2 s1 = true
    -> AllocSet.incl s1 s2 = false
    -> cardinality s1 c1
    -> cardinality s2 c2
    -> c1 > c2.

  Lemma size_approxStrict : forall abs abs',
    approxStrict abs abs'
    -> size abs > size abs'.

  Lemma approxStrict_wf' : forall n a,
    bound * (length (VarSet.elems progVars) + length (AllocSet.elems progSites)) - size a <= n
    -> Acc approxStrict a.

  Theorem approxStrict_wf : well_founded approxStrict.

   Hint Resolve approxStrict_wf.

  Definition fixed_point' : {fp : astate
    | forall s, reachable_flowInsensitive aprogram aexec ainitState s
      -> approx s fp}.

  Lemma In_map : forall (A B : Set) x (f : A -> B) ls,
    In x ls
    -> In (f x) (map f ls).

  Lemma in_aprogram' : forall i prog,
    In i prog ->
    exists H : In i prog,
      In (exist (fun i0 => In i0 prog) i H)
      (aprogram' prog).

  Lemma in_aprogram : forall i,
    In i program
      -> exists H, In (exist (fun i => In i program) i H) aprogram.

  Axiom valid_irrel : forall s (H1 H2 : valid s), H1 = H2.

  Lemma reachable_a : forall s1 (Hv1 : valid s1) s2,
    reachable_flowInsensitive program abstract_exec s1 s2
      -> exists Hv2 : valid s2,
        reachable_flowInsensitive aprogram aexec (exist _ _ Hv1) (exist _ _ Hv2).

  Definition fixed_point : {fp : abstract_state
    | forall s, reachable_flowInsensitive program abstract_exec abstract_initState s
      -> approx' s fp}.
End fixed_point.

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