Library Programs

Some example programs and proofs of their correctness

Require Import List.

Require Import Binding.

Require Import PSLC.
Require Import MemMonad.
Require Import Imp.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Source language

A specialization of the denotation function to closed terms
Definition meaning (t : ty) (e : term nil t) : tyDenote t :=
  termDenote e (SNil _).

Definition snd : term nil (Arrow (Data Nat) (Arrow (Data Nat) (Data Nat))) :=
  Lam (Lam (EVar (First _ _))).

Theorem snd_ok : forall n1 n2,
  meaning (App (App snd (Const _ n1)) (Const _ n2))
  = meaning (Const _ n2).
That was easy! This theorem is actually proved by reflexivity with a single proof constructor, since Coq identifies terms up to computational reduction.

Definition dup : term nil (Arrow (Data Nat) (Data (Prod Nat Nat))) :=
  Lam (Pair (EVar (First _ _)) (EVar (First _ _))).

Theorem dup_ok : forall n,
  meaning (Fst (App dup (Const _ n)))
  = meaning (Const _ n).
Another trivial one.

Definition JM_case : term nil (Arrow (Data (Sum Nat Nat)) (Data Nat)) :=
  Lam (Case (EVar (First _ _))
    (Const _ 42)
    (Const _ 42)).

Theorem JM_case_ok : forall (e : term nil (Data (Sum Nat Nat))),
  meaning (App JM_case e)
  = meaning (Const _ 42).
  unfold meaning; simplify;
    destruct (termDenote e (SNil _)); trivial.
This one was a little more work, but not much. Definitional equality wasn't strong enough to prove the goal, but asking explicitly for a case analysis over the denotation of the argument e was enough.

Target language

Definition imeaning (t : ity) (e : iterm nil t) : ityDenote t :=
  itermDenote e (SNil _).

Our generic strategy for proving term correctness: Expand the definition of our specialized denotation function for closed terms and then ask the MemMonad library to work its magic.
Ltac simp := unfold imeaning; memM_simplify.

Definition read_back : iterm nil (IArrow (IData INat) (IData INat)) :=
  ILam (ISeq
    (IWrite (IConst _ O) (IVar (First _ _)))
    (IRead (IConst _ O))).

Theorem read_back_ok : forall m n,
  mspec (fun _ n' => n' = n) (imeaning (IApp read_back (IConst _ n))) m.
Here, the actual proof term generated (you can see it with Print read_back_ok.) is long and scary, but the memM_simplify tactic does the work for us.

Definition scribbler : iterm nil (IArrow (IData INat) (IData INat)) :=
  ILam (ISeq
    (IWrite (IVar (First _ _)) (IConst _ 0))
      (IWrite (ISucc (IVar (First _ _))) (IConst _ 1))
      (IRead (IVar (First _ _))))).

Theorem scribbler_ok : forall m a,
  mspec (fun _ n => n = O) (imeaning (IApp scribbler (IConst _ a))) m.
Another victory for memM_simplify

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