Library Part1A

POPLmark challenge, Part 1A

Require Import Arith Binding.

Set Implicit Arguments.

The type language

Inductive ty : Set :=
  | Free : var -> ty
  | Bound : nat -> ty
  | Top : ty
  | Arrow : ty -> ty -> ty
  | Forall : ty -> ty -> ty.
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Notation "@ n" := (Free n) (at level 30).
Notation "# n" := (Bound n) (at level 30).
Infix "-->" := Arrow (right associativity, at level 31).
Notation "'All' t1 , t2" := (Forall t1 t2) (at level 32).

Define a type of contexts specialized to contain tys.
Definition context : Set := context ty.
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Syntactic notation for context binding
Notation "G ,, x <: t" := (Bind G x t) (left associativity, at level 40).

Look up a particular binding in a context
Notation "[ x <: t ] \in G" := (inContext x t G) (at level 50).

Check that a variable is in a context's domain
Notation "x \in G" := (inDom x G) (at level 50).

Substitution for type variables in types
Fixpoint subst (x : nat) (t b : ty) {struct b} : ty :=
  match b with
    | #x' =>
      if eq_nat_dec x x'
        then t
        else b
    | b1 --> b2 => (subst x t b1) --> (subst x t b2)
    | All b1, b2 => All (subst x t b1), subst (S x) t b2
    | _ => b
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Shorthand notation for substitution
Notation "{ x := t }" := (subst x t) (at level 33).
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Well-formedness of types: all free variables are in the context's domain
Reserved Notation "G |-- t 'ok'" (at level 50).
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Inductive wfTy : context -> ty -> Prop :=
  | WF_Free : forall G x,
    x \in G
    -> G |-- @x ok
  | WF_Top : forall G,
    G |-- Top ok
  | WF_Arrow : forall G t1 t2,
    G |-- t1 ok
    -> G |-- t2 ok
    -> G |-- (t1 --> t2) ok
  | WF_Forall : forall G t1 t2,
    G |-- t1 ok
    -> (forall x, ~(x \in G)
      -> G,, x <: t1 |-- {O := @x}t2 ok)
    -> G |-- (All t1, t2) ok
where "G |-- t 'ok'" := (wfTy G t).
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Hint Constructors wfTy.
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Well-formedness of contexts: no variables are repeated and every variable's associated type is well formed given the context up to that point
Notation "|-- G 'ok'" := (wfContext wfTy G) (at level 50).
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Subtyping judgment

Reserved Notation "G |-- t1 <: t2" (at level 50).

Inductive subTy : context -> ty -> ty -> Prop :=
  | SA_Top : forall G t,
    |-- G ok
    -> G |-- t ok
    -> G |-- t <: Top
  | SA_Refl_TVar : forall G x,
    |-- G ok
    -> x \in G
    -> G |-- @x <: @x
  | SA_Trans_TVar : forall G x u t,
    [x <: u] \in G
    -> G |-- u <: t
    -> G |-- @x <: t
  | SA_Arrow : forall G s1 s2 t1 t2,
    G |-- t1 <: s1
    -> G |-- s2 <: t2
    -> G |-- (s1 --> s2) <: (t1 --> t2)
  | SA_All : forall G s1 s2 t1 t2,
    G |-- t1 <: s1
    -> (forall x, ~(x \in G)
      -> G,, x <: t1 |-- {O := @x}s2 <: {O := @x}t2)
    -> G |-- (All s1, s2) <: (All t1, t2)
where "G |-- t1 <: t2" := (subTy G t1 t2).

Hint Constructors subTy.

Lemma A.1 (Reflexivity)

Lemma A.1
Lemma reflexivity : forall G, |-- G ok
  -> forall t, G |-- t ok
  -> G |-- t <: t.
  induction 2; eauto 6.
Prove by induction on the 2nd hypothesis, followed by logic programming up to depth 6.

Lemma A.2 (Permutation and Weakening)

"D is valid permutation of G."
Notation "G ~= D" := (permute wfTy G D) (at level 50).
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Permutations don't affect well-formedness of types
Lemma permute_wfTy : forall G t,
  G |-- t ok
    -> forall D, G ~= D
      -> D |-- t ok.
  induction 1; intuition (eauto 10).

Use this lemma automatically in logic programming.
Hint Resolve permute_wfTy.

The basic way to prove that a type remains well-formed in a modified context
Lemma preweaken_wfTy : forall G t,
  G |-- t ok
  -> forall D, (forall x, x \in G -> x \in D)
  -> D |-- t ok.
  induction 1; intuition eauto 7.

Hint Resolve preweaken_wfTy.

The context of any correct typing judgment is well-formed.
Lemma subTy_wfContext : forall G s t,
  G |-- s <: t
    -> |-- G ok.
  induction 1; auto.

Two helper lemmas to deal with limitations in Coq's automated first-order reasoning
Lemma proj1_wfTy : forall G t P,
  G |-- t ok /\ P
    -> G |-- t ok.

Lemma proj2_wfTy : forall G t P,
  P /\ G |-- t ok
    -> G |-- t ok.

The two types in any correct typing judgment are well-formed.
Lemma subTy_wfTy : forall G s t,
  G |-- s <: t
    -> (G |-- s ok)
      /\ (G |-- t ok).
   Hint Resolve proj1_wfTy proj2_wfTy.

  induction 1; intuition eauto 6.

The combined form above was necessary to have a strong enough induction hypothesis, but we want to break it into two separate lemmas for easier use later.
Lemma subTy_wfTy1 : forall G s t,
  G |-- s <: t
    -> G |-- s ok.
  generalize subTy_wfTy; firstorder.

Lemma subTy_wfTy2 : forall G s t,
  G |-- s <: t
    -> G |-- t ok.
  generalize subTy_wfTy; firstorder.

Hint Resolve subTy_wfContext subTy_wfTy1 subTy_wfTy2.

Lemma permutation : forall G s t,
  G |-- s <: t
    -> forall D, G ~= D
      -> D |-- s <: t.
  induction 1; intuition; eauto; eauto 10.

Lemma weakening : forall G s t,
  G |-- s <: t
    -> forall D, |-- G ++ D ok
      -> G ++ D |-- s <: t.
   Hint Extern 1 (_ ++ _,, _ <: _ |-- _ <: _) =>
    match goal with
      | [ |- ?G ++ ?D,, ?x <: ?t |-- _ <: _ ] =>
        apply permutation with (G,, x <: t ++ D);
          eauto 7
This Hint command advises the automated proving machinery to try a special strategy if it encounters a subtyping goal where the context has the form (G ++ D,, x <: t): use the permutation lemma that we just proved to move around the parts of the context.

  induction 1; intuition eauto.

Weakening by a single binding
Lemma weakening1 : forall G s t,
  G |-- s <: t
    -> forall x u, |-- G,, x <: u ok
      -> G,, x <: u |-- s <: t.
  do 6 intro.
  replace (G,, x <: u) with (G ++ (Empty _,, x <: u)); trivial.
  apply weakening; auto.

Weakening specialized to the form associated with the Narrowing lemma
Lemma narrowing_weakening : forall G t t',
  G |-- t <: t'
    -> forall x t'' D, |-- G,, x <: t'' ++ D ok
      -> G,, x <: t'' ++ D |-- t <: t'.
  eapply weakening; eauto.
  eapply weakening1; eauto.

Hint Resolve narrowing_weakening.

Specialized proof automation tactics

Using injectivity of the ty constructors

Ltac ty_injections :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : @ _ = @ _ |- _ ] => injection H; clear H; intros
           | [ H : _ --> _ = _ --> _ |- _ ] => injection H; clear H; intros
           | [ H : All _, _ = All _, _ |- _ ] => injection H; clear H; intros
For instance, if we ever see a hypothesis t1 --> t2 = s1 --> s2, we want to replace it with hypotheses t1 = s1 and t2 = s2.

Replacing known subtypes of Top with Top

Slightly ugly form of the Top_sub lemma to follow, chosen to work properly with the induction tactic
Lemma Top_sub' : forall G T T',
  G |-- T <: T'
    -> T = Top
    -> T' = Top.
  induction 1; intuition; try discriminate.

Any subtype of Top is Top
Lemma Top_sub : forall G T,
  G |-- Top <: T
    -> T = Top.
  generalize Top_sub'; firstorder.

Replace all types known to be Top, clearing the now-irrelevant subtyping judgments that led us to do so.
Ltac discover_Top :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : _ |-- Top <: _ |- _ ] =>
             generalize (Top_sub H); clear H; intro

The overall simplification tactic

Ltac ty_simpl :=
  repeat progress (ty_injections; discover_Top; binding_simpl).
As long as we're modifying the goal, continue using injectivity, Top-replacement, and the Binding module's simplification tactic.

Lemma A.3 (Transitivity and Narrowing)

Replacing a type binding in a context doesn't affect type well-formedness.
Lemma narrowing_wfTerm : forall G x t1 D t,
  G,, x <: t1 ++ D |-- t ok
    -> forall t2, G,, x <: t2 ++ D |-- t ok.
  intros; eapply narrowing_wfTerm; eauto.
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Hint Resolve narrowing_wfTerm.
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Here's the Narrowing part of the Transitivity/Narrowing lemma, with transitivity assumed for the current type.
Lemma narrowing' : forall Q,
  (forall (G : context) (S T : ty),
    (G |-- S <: Q) -> (G |-- Q <: T) -> G |-- S <: T) ->
  forall (G G' : context) (M N : ty),
    (G' |-- M <: N) ->
    forall (x : var) (D : context) (P : ty),
      G' = (G,, x <: Q ++ D) -> (G |-- P <: Q) -> G,, x <: P ++ D |-- M <: N.
  induction 2; intros; ty_simpl;
We'll proceed by induction on the G' |-- M <: N derivation and simplify each case before...
    try (apply SA_All;
      [auto | intros; rewrite <- weaken_bind_assoc; eauto]);
For the SA_All case, we give more detail of the proof, in particular, use the associativity of context operations to rewrite a context advantageously.
    try match goal with
          | [ _ : [_ <: _] \in _,, _ <: _ ++ _ |- _,, ?x0 <: _ ++ _ |-- @?x <: _ ] =>
            destruct (var_eq_dec x x0); ty_simpl;
              [eapply SA_Trans_TVar; eauto 6 | eauto]
For the SA_Trans_TVar case, we proceed by case analysis on whether the two variables involved are equal.
    eauto 6.
The remaining cases are solved automatically.

Hint Resolve narrowing'.

Syntactic size function for types
Fixpoint tySize (t : ty) : nat :=
  match t with
    | Arrow t1 t2 => S (tySize t1 + tySize t2)
    | Forall t1 t2 => S (tySize t1 + tySize t2)
    | _ => 1
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Subsitution of a free variable doesn't change type size.
Lemma tySize_subst : forall x' b x, tySize({x := @x'}b) = tySize b.
  induction b; simpl; intuition.
  destruct (eq_nat_dec x n); auto.
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A syntactic induction principle for types that considers alpha-variation
Theorem ty_ind_syntactic : forall P : ty -> Prop,
  (forall v : var, P (@ v)) ->
  (forall n : nat, P (#n)) ->
  P Top ->
  (forall t : ty, P t -> forall t0 : ty, P t0 -> P (t --> t0)) ->
  (forall t : ty, P t -> forall t0 : ty, (forall x, P ({0 := @x}t0)) -> P (All t, t0)) ->
  forall t : ty, P t.

  assert (forall n t, tySize t <= n -> P t).
  clear t.
  induction n.
  destruct t; simpl; intros; wrong; omega.
  destruct t; simpl; intros; auto.

  apply H2; apply IHn; omega.

  apply H3.
  apply IHn; omega.
  intro; apply IHn.
  rewrite tySize_subst; omega.
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A useful hint to get the Transitivity proof to take advantage of Narrowing
Lemma use_narrowing : forall G x t1 t2,
  G ++ Empty _ |-- {0 := @x} t1 <: {0 := @x} t2
  -> G |-- {0 := @x} t1 <: {0 := @x} t2.

Hint Resolve use_narrowing.

The big lemma! It's formulated using both seemingly pointless equalities, which are necessary to make induction work; and an implication for the second conjunct that assumes the first conjunct, to avoid the need to re-prove it.
Lemma transitivity_and_narrowing : forall Q,
  (forall G S T Q', G |-- S <: Q'
    -> Q' = Q
    -> G |-- Q <: T
      -> G |-- S <: T)
  /\ ((forall G S T, G |-- S <: Q
    -> G |-- Q <: T
      -> G |-- S <: T)
  -> forall G G' M N, G' |-- M <: N
    -> forall x D P, G' = (G,, x <: Q ++ D)
      -> G |-- P <: Q
        -> G,, x <: P ++ D |-- M <: N).
  induction Q using ty_ind_syntactic; split; eauto; induction 1; intuition; ty_simpl; eauto;
    match goal with
      | [ H : _ |-- _ --> _ <: _ |- _ ] =>
        inversion H; subst; eauto
Here, we are inverting a proof of the form G |-- t1 --> t2 <: s.
      | [ H : _ |-- All _, _ <: _ |- _ ] =>
        inversion H; subst; eauto;
          apply SA_All; intuition eauto;
            match goal with
              | [ H : forall x : var, _ /\ _, x : var |- _ ] =>
                generalize (H x); intuition; eauto 7
We need to instantiate explicitly one part of the inductive hypothesis to make the conjunction inside accessible to automatic propositional reasoning.

Theorem transitivity : forall Q G S T,
  G |-- S <: Q
    -> G |-- Q <: T
      -> G |-- S <: T.
  generalize transitivity_and_narrowing; firstorder.

Lemma narrowing : forall Q G M N x D P, G,, x <: Q ++ D |-- M <: N
  -> G |-- P <: Q
    -> G,, x <: P ++ D |-- M <: N.
  generalize (transitivity_and_narrowing Q).
  firstorder; eauto.

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