Library Cpdt.Universes
The Type Hierarchy
Check 0.
Check nat.
: Set
Check Set.
: Type
Check Type.
: Type
Set Printing Universes.
Check nat.
: Set
Check Set.
Check Type.
Type (* Top.3 *)
: Type (* (Top.3)+1 *)
forall T : Type (* Top.9 *) , T
: Type (* max(Top.9, (Top.9)+1) *)
id 0
: nat
Check id Set.
Error: Illegal application (Type Error): ... The 1st term has type "Type (* (Top.15)+1 *)" which should be coercible to "Set".
id Set
: Type (* Top.17 *)
id Type (* Top.18 *)
: Type (* Top.19 *)
Check id id.
Error: Universe inconsistency (cannot enforce Top.16 < Top.16).
Inductive Definitions
Inductive exp : Set -> Set :=
| Const : forall T : Set, T -> exp T
| Pair : forall T1 T2, exp T1 -> exp T2 -> exp (T1 * T2)
| Eq : forall T, exp T -> exp T -> exp bool.
Error: Large non-propositional inductive types must be in Type.
Inductive exp : Type -> Type :=
| Const : forall T, T -> exp T
| Pair : forall T1 T2, exp T1 -> exp T2 -> exp (T1 * T2)
| Eq : forall T, exp T -> exp T -> exp bool.
Note that before we had to include an annotation : Set for the variable T in Const's type, but we need no annotation now. When the type of a variable is not known, and when that variable is used in a context where only types are allowed, Coq infers that the variable is of type Type, the right behavior here, though it was wrong for the Set version of exp.
Our new definition is accepted. We can build some sample expressions.
Eq (Const Set) (Const Type (* Top.59 *) )
: exp bool
Check Const (Const O).
Error: Universe inconsistency (cannot enforce Top.42 < Top.42).
Print exp.
Inductive exp
: Type (* Top.8 *) ->
(* max(0, (Top.11)+1, (Top.14)+1, (Top.15)+1, (Top.19)+1) *) :=
Const : forall T : Type (* Top.11 *) , T -> exp T
| Pair : forall (T1 : Type (* Top.14 *) ) (T2 : Type (* Top.15 *) ),
exp T1 -> exp T2 -> exp (T1 * T2)
| Eq : forall T : Type (* Top.19 *) , exp T -> exp T -> exp bool
Print Universes.
Top.19 < Top.9 <= Top.8
Top.15 < Top.9 <= Top.8 <= Coq.Init.Datatypes.38
Top.14 < Top.9 <= Top.8 <= Coq.Init.Datatypes.37
Top.11 < Top.9 <= Top.8
Print prod.
Inductive prod (A : Type (* Coq.Init.Datatypes.37 *) )
(B : Type (* Coq.Init.Datatypes.38 *) )
: Type (* max(Coq.Init.Datatypes.37, Coq.Init.Datatypes.38) *) :=
pair : A -> B -> A * B
Check (nat, (Type, Set)).
(nat, (Type (* Top.44 *) , Set))
: Set * (Type (* Top.45 *) * Type (* Top.46 *) )
Check (pair' nat (pair' Type Set)).
Error: Universe inconsistency (cannot enforce Top.51 < Top.51).
foo Set
: Type
foo True
: Prop
: Prop
Deciphering Baffling Messages About Inability to Unify
Let us attempt an admittedly silly proof of the following theorem.
apply symmetry.
Error: Impossible to unify "?35 = ?34" with "unit = unit".
Set Printing All.
apply symmetry.
Error: Impossible to unify "@eq Type ?46 ?45" with "@eq Set unit unit".
A variety of changes to the theorem statement would lead to use of Type as the implicit argument of eq. Here is one such change.
There are many related issues that can come up with error messages, where one or both of notations and implicit arguments hide important details. The Set Printing All command turns off all such features and exposes underlying CIC terms.
For completeness, we mention one other class of confusing error message about inability to unify two terms that look obviously unifiable. Each unification variable has a scope; a unification variable instantiation may not mention variables that were not already defined within that scope, at the point in proof search where the unification variable was introduced. Consider this illustrative example:
destruct H.
x : nat
H : x = 0
0 = ?99
symmetry; exact H.
Error: In environment x : nat H : x = 0 The term "H" has type "x = 0" while it is expected to have type "?99 = 0".
destruct 1 as [x]; apply ex_intro with x; symmetry; assumption.
This restriction for unification variables may seem counterintuitive, but it follows from the fact that CIC contains no concept of unification variable. Rather, to construct the final proof term, at the point in a proof where the unification variable is introduced, we replace it with the instantiation we eventually find for it. It is simply syntactically illegal to refer there to variables that are not in scope. Without such a restriction, we could trivially "prove" such non-theorems as exists n : nat, forall m : nat, n = m by econstructor; intro; reflexivity.
In Chapter 4, we saw parallel versions of useful datatypes for "programs" and "proofs." The convention was that programs live in Set, and proofs live in Prop. We gave little explanation for why it is useful to maintain this distinction. There is certainly documentation value from separating programs from proofs; in practice, different concerns apply to building the two types of objects. It turns out, however, that these concerns motivate formal differences between the two universes in Coq.
Recall the types sig and ex, which are the program and proof versions of existential quantification. Their definitions differ only in one place, where sig uses Type and ex uses Prop.
The Prop Universe
Print sig.
Print ex.
Inductive ex (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Prop :=
ex_intro : forall x : A, P x -> ex P
We run into trouble with a version that has been changed to work with ex.
Definition projE A (P : A -> Prop) (x : ex P) : A :=
match x with
| ex_intro v _ => v
In formal Coq parlance, "elimination" means "pattern-matching." The typing rules of Gallina forbid us from pattern-matching on a discriminee whose type belongs to Prop, whenever the result type of the match has a type besides Prop. This is a sort of "information flow" policy, where the type system ensures that the details of proofs can never have any effect on parts of a development that are not also marked as proofs.
This restriction matches informal practice. We think of programs and proofs as clearly separated, and, outside of constructive logic, the idea of computing with proofs is ill-formed. The distinction also has practical importance in Coq, where it affects the behavior of extraction.
Recall that extraction is Coq's facility for translating Coq developments into programs in general-purpose programming languages like OCaml. Extraction erases proofs and leaves programs intact. A simple example with sig and ex demonstrates the distinction.
Definition projE A (P : A -> Prop) (x : ex P) : A :=
match x with
| ex_intro v _ => v
Error: Incorrect elimination of "x" in the inductive type "ex": the return type has sort "Type" while it should be "Prop". Elimination of an inductive object of sort Prop is not allowed on a predicate in sort Type because proofs can be eliminated only to build proofs.
Definition sym_sig (x : sig (fun n => n = 0)) : sig (fun n => 0 = n) :=
match x with
| exist n pf => exist _ n (sym_eq pf)
Extraction sym_sig.
(** val sym_sig : nat -> nat **) let sym_sig x = x
Definition sym_ex (x : ex (fun n => n = 0)) : ex (fun n => 0 = n) :=
match x with
| ex_intro n pf => ex_intro _ n (sym_eq pf)
Extraction sym_ex.
(** val sym_ex : __ **) let sym_ex = __
forall P Q : Prop, P \/ Q -> Q \/ P
: Prop
Inductive expP : Type -> Prop :=
| ConstP : forall T, T -> expP T
| PairP : forall T1 T2, expP T1 -> expP T2 -> expP (T1 * T2)
| EqP : forall T, expP T -> expP T -> expP bool.
Check ConstP 0.
ConstP (ConstP 0)
: expP (expP nat)
Inductive eqPlus : forall T, T -> T -> Prop :=
| Base : forall T (x : T), eqPlus x x
| Func : forall dom ran (f1 f2 : dom -> ran),
(forall x : dom, eqPlus (f1 x) (f2 x))
-> eqPlus f1 f2.
Check (Base 0).
Func (fun n : nat => n) (fun n : nat => 0 + n) (fun n : nat => Base n)
: eqPlus (fun n : nat => n) (fun n : nat => 0 + n)
Base (Base 1)
: eqPlus (Base 1) (Base 1)
The Basics
Require Import Classical_Prop.
Print classic.
*** [ classic : forall P : Prop, P \/ ~ P ]
An Axiom may be declared with any type, in any of the universes. There is a synonym Parameter for Axiom, and that synonym is often clearer for assertions not of type Prop. For instance, we can assert the existence of objects with certain properties.
This kind of "axiomatic presentation" of a theory is very common outside of higher-order logic. However, in Coq, it is almost always preferable to stick to defining your objects, functions, and predicates via inductive definitions and functional programming.
In general, there is a significant burden associated with any use of axioms. It is easy to assert a set of axioms that together is inconsistent. That is, a set of axioms may imply False, which allows any theorem to be proved, which defeats the purpose of a proof assistant. For example, we could assert the following axiom, which is consistent by itself but inconsistent when combined with classic.
Axiom not_classic : ~ forall P : Prop, P \/ ~ P.
Theorem uhoh : False.
generalize classic not_classic; tauto.
Theorem uhoh_again : 1 + 1 = 3.
destruct uhoh.
Reset not_classic.
On the subject of the law of the excluded middle itself, this axiom is usually quite harmless, and many practical Coq developments assume it. It has been proved metatheoretically to be consistent with CIC. Here, "proved metatheoretically" means that someone proved on paper that excluded middle holds in a model of CIC in set theory. All of the other axioms that we will survey in this section hold in the same model, so they are all consistent together.
Recall that Coq implements constructive logic by default, where the law of the excluded middle is not provable. Proofs in constructive logic can be thought of as programs. A forall quantifier denotes a dependent function type, and a disjunction denotes a variant type. In such a setting, excluded middle could be interpreted as a decision procedure for arbitrary propositions, which computability theory tells us cannot exist. Thus, constructive logic with excluded middle can no longer be associated with our usual notion of programming.
Given all this, why is it all right to assert excluded middle as an axiom? The intuitive justification is that the elimination restriction for Prop prevents us from treating proofs as programs. An excluded middle axiom that quantified over Set instead of Prop would be problematic. If a development used that axiom, we would not be able to extract the code to OCaml (soundly) without implementing a genuine universal decision procedure. In contrast, values whose types belong to Prop are always erased by extraction, so we sidestep the axiom's algorithmic consequences.
Because the proper use of axioms is so precarious, there are helpful commands for determining which axioms a theorem relies on.
Closed under the global context
Error: tauto failed.
classic : forall P : Prop, P \/ ~ P
Theorem nat_eq_dec : forall n m : nat, n = m \/ n <> m.
induction n; destruct m; intuition; generalize (IHn m); intuition.
Theorem t2' : forall n m : nat, ~ ~ (n = m) -> n = m.
intros n m; destruct (nat_eq_dec n m); tauto.
Print Assumptions t2'.
Closed under the global context
Require Import ProofIrrelevance.
Print proof_irrelevance.
*** [ proof_irrelevance : forall (P : Prop) (p1 p2 : P), p1 = p2 ]
Definition pred_strong1 (n : nat) : n > 0 -> nat :=
match n with
| O => fun pf : 0 > 0 => match zgtz pf with end
| S n' => fun _ => n'
We might want to prove that different proofs of n > 0 do not lead to different results from our richly typed predecessor function.
Theorem pred_strong1_irrel : forall n (pf1 pf2 : n > 0), pred_strong1 pf1 = pred_strong1 pf2.
destruct n; crush.
The proof script is simple, but it involved peeking into the definition of pred_strong1. For more complicated function definitions, it can be considerably more work to prove that they do not discriminate on details of proof arguments. This can seem like a shame, since the Prop elimination restriction makes it impossible to write any function that does otherwise. Unfortunately, this fact is only true metatheoretically, unless we assert an axiom like proof_irrelevance. With that axiom, we can prove our theorem without consulting the definition of pred_strong1.
Theorem pred_strong1_irrel' : forall n (pf1 pf2 : n > 0), pred_strong1 pf1 = pred_strong1 pf2.
intros; f_equal; apply proof_irrelevance.
Require Import Eqdep.
Import Eq_rect_eq.
Print eq_rect_eq.
*** [ eq_rect_eq :
forall (U : Type) (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) (h : p = p),
x = eq_rect p Q x p h ]
Corollary UIP_refl : forall A (x : A) (pf : x = x), pf = eq_refl x.
intros; replace pf with (eq_rect x (eq x) (eq_refl x) x pf); [
symmetry; apply eq_rect_eq
| exact (match pf as pf' return match pf' in _ = y return x = y with
| eq_refl => eq_refl x
end = pf' with
| eq_refl => eq_refl _
end) ].
Corollary UIP : forall A (x y : A) (pf1 pf2 : x = y), pf1 = pf2.
intros; generalize pf1 pf2; subst; intros;
match goal with
| [ |- ?pf1 = ?pf2 ] => rewrite (UIP_refl pf1); rewrite (UIP_refl pf2); reflexivity
These corollaries are special cases of proof irrelevance. In developments that only need proof irrelevance for equality, there is no need to assert full irrelevance.
Another facet of proof irrelevance is that, like excluded middle, it is often provable for specific propositions. For instance, UIP is provable whenever the type A has a decidable equality operation. The module Eqdep_dec of the standard library contains a proof. A similar phenomenon applies to other notable cases, including less-than proofs. Thus, it is often possible to use proof irrelevance without asserting axioms.
There are two more basic axioms that are often assumed, to avoid complications that do not arise in set theory.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Print functional_extensionality_dep.
*** [ functional_extensionality_dep :
forall (A : Type) (B : A -> Type) (f g : forall x : A, B x),
(forall x : A, f x = g x) -> f = g ]
Corollary predicate_extensionality : forall (A : Type) (B : A -> Prop) (f g : forall x : A, B x),
(forall x : A, f x = g x) -> f = g.
intros; apply functional_extensionality_dep; assumption.
In some cases, one might prefer to assert this corollary as the axiom, to restrict the consequences to proofs and not programs.
Some Coq axioms are also points of contention in mainstream math. The most prominent example is the axiom of choice. In fact, there are multiple versions that we might consider, and, considered in isolation, none of these versions means quite what it means in classical set theory.
First, it is possible to implement a choice operator without axioms in some potentially surprising cases.
Axioms of Choice
Require Import ConstructiveEpsilon.
Check constructive_definite_description.
: forall (A : Set) (f : A -> nat) (g : nat -> A),
(forall x : A, g (f x) = x) ->
forall P : A -> Prop,
(forall x : A, {P x} + { ~ P x}) ->
(exists! x : A, P x) -> {x : A | P x}
Print Assumptions constructive_definite_description.
Closed under the global context
Require Import ClassicalUniqueChoice.
Check dependent_unique_choice.
: forall (A : Type) (B : A -> Type) (R : forall x : A, B x -> Prop),
(forall x : A, exists! y : B x, R x y) ->
exists f : forall x : A, B x,
forall x : A, R x (f x)
Require Import ClassicalChoice.
Check choice.
: forall (A B : Type) (R : A -> B -> Prop),
(forall x : A, exists y : B, R x y) ->
exists f : A -> B, forall x : A, R x (f x)
Definition choice_Set (A B : Type) (R : A -> B -> Prop) (H : forall x : A, {y : B | R x y})
: {f : A -> B | forall x : A, R x (f x)} :=
exist (fun f => forall x : A, R x (f x))
(fun x => proj1_sig (H x)) (fun x => proj2_sig (H x)).
Via the Curry-Howard correspondence, this "axiom" can be taken to have the same meaning as the original. It is implemented trivially as a transformation not much deeper than uncurrying. Thus, we see that the utility of the axioms that we mentioned earlier comes in their usage to build programs from proofs. Normal set theory has no explicit proofs, so the meaning of the usual axiom of choice is subtly different. In Gallina, the axioms implement a controlled relaxation of the restrictions on information flow from proofs to programs.
However, when we combine an axiom of choice with the law of the excluded middle, the idea of "choice" becomes more interesting. Excluded middle gives us a highly non-computational way of constructing proofs, but it does not change the computational nature of programs. Thus, the axiom of choice is still giving us a way of translating between two different sorts of "programs," but the input programs (which are proofs) may be written in a rich language that goes beyond normal computability. This combination truly is more than repackaging a function with a different type.
The Coq tools support a command-line flag -impredicative-set, which modifies Gallina in a more fundamental way by making Set impredicative. A term like forall T : Set, T has type Set, and inductive definitions in Set may have constructors that quantify over arguments of any types. To maintain consistency, an elimination restriction must be imposed, similarly to the restriction for Prop. The restriction only applies to large inductive types, where some constructor quantifies over a type of type Type. In such cases, a value in this inductive type may only be pattern-matched over to yield a result type whose type is Set or Prop. This rule contrasts with the rule for Prop, where the restriction applies even to non-large inductive types, and where the result type may only have type Prop.
In old versions of Coq, Set was impredicative by default. Later versions make Set predicative to avoid inconsistency with some classical axioms. In particular, one should watch out when using impredicative Set with axioms of choice. In combination with excluded middle or predicate extensionality, inconsistency can result. Impredicative Set can be useful for modeling inherently impredicative mathematical concepts, but almost all Coq developments get by fine without it.
One additional axiom-related wrinkle arises from an aspect of Gallina that is very different from set theory: a notion of computational equivalence is central to the definition of the formal system. Axioms tend not to play well with computation. Consider this example. We start by implementing a function that uses a type equality proof to perform a safe type-cast.
Axioms and Computation
Computation over programs that use cast can proceed smoothly.
Theorem t3 : (forall n : nat, fin (S n)) = (forall n : nat, fin (n + 1)).
change ((forall n : nat, (fun n => fin (S n)) n) = (forall n : nat, (fun n => fin (n + 1)) n));
rewrite (functional_extensionality (fun n => fin (n + 1)) (fun n => fin (S n))); crush.
Eval compute in (cast t3 (fun _ => First)) 12.
= match t3 in (_ = P) return P with
| eq_refl => fun n : nat => First
end 12
: fin (12 + 1)
Reset t3.
Theorem t3 : (forall n : nat, fin (S n)) = (forall n : nat, fin (n + 1)).
change ((forall n : nat, (fun n => fin (S n)) n) = (forall n : nat, (fun n => fin (n + 1)) n));
rewrite (functional_extensionality (fun n => fin (n + 1)) (fun n => fin (S n))); crush.
Eval compute in (cast t3 (fun _ => First)) 12.
= match
Lemma plus1 : forall n, S n = n + 1.
induction n; simpl; intuition.
Theorem t4 : forall n, fin (S n) = fin (n + 1).
intro; f_equal; apply plus1.
Eval compute in cast (t4 13) First.
= First
: fin (13 + 1)
Methods for Avoiding Axioms
Theorem fin_cases : forall n (f : fin (S n)), f = First \/ exists f', f = Next f'.
intros; dep_destruct f; eauto.
Print Assumptions fin_cases.
JMeq_eq : forall (A : Type) (x y : A), JMeq x y -> x = y
Lemma fin_cases_again' : forall n (f : fin n),
match n return fin n -> Prop with
| O => fun _ => False
| S n' => fun f => f = First \/ exists f', f = Next f'
end f.
destruct f; eauto.
We apply a variant of the convoy pattern, which we are used to seeing in function implementations. Here, the pattern helps us state a lemma in a form where the argument to fin is a variable. Recall that, thanks to basic typing rules for pattern-matching, destruct will only work effectively on types whose non-parameter arguments are variables. The exact tactic, which takes as argument a literal proof term, now gives us an easy way of proving the original theorem.
Theorem fin_cases_again : forall n (f : fin (S n)), f = First \/ exists f', f = Next f'.
intros; exact (fin_cases_again' f).
Print Assumptions fin_cases_again.
Closed under the global context
As the Curry-Howard correspondence might lead us to expect, the same pattern may be applied in programming as in proving. Axioms are relevant in programming, too, because, while Coq includes useful extensions like Program that make dependently typed programming more straightforward, in general these extensions generate code that relies on axioms about equality. We can use clever pattern matching to write our code axiom-free.
As an example, consider a Set version of fin_cases. We use Set types instead of Prop types, so that return values have computational content and may be used to guide the behavior of algorithms. Beside that, we are essentially writing the same "proof" in a more explicit way.
Definition finOut n (f : fin n) : match n return fin n -> Type with
| O => fun _ => Empty_set
| _ => fun f => {f' : _ | f = Next f'} + {f = First}
end f :=
match f with
| First _ => inright _ (eq_refl _)
| Next _ f' => inleft _ (exist _ f' (eq_refl _))
As another example, consider the following type of formulas in first-order logic. The intent of the type definition will not be important in what follows, but we give a quick intuition for the curious reader. Our formulas may include forall quantification over arbitrary Types, and we index formulas by environments telling which variables are in scope and what their types are; such an environment is a list Type. A constructor Inject lets us include any Coq Prop as a formula, and VarEq and Lift can be used for variable references, in what is essentially the de Bruijn index convention. (Again, the detail in this paragraph is not important to understand the discussion that follows!)
Inductive formula : list Type -> Type :=
| Inject : forall Ts, Prop -> formula Ts
| VarEq : forall T Ts, T -> formula (T :: Ts)
| Lift : forall T Ts, formula Ts -> formula (T :: Ts)
| Forall : forall T Ts, formula (T :: Ts) -> formula Ts
| And : forall Ts, formula Ts -> formula Ts -> formula Ts.
This example is based on my own experiences implementing variants of a program logic called XCAP, which also includes an inductive predicate for characterizing which formulas are provable. Here I include a pared-down version of such a predicate, with only two constructors, which is sufficient to illustrate certain tricky issues.
Inductive proof : formula nil -> Prop :=
| PInject : forall (P : Prop), P -> proof (Inject nil P)
| PAnd : forall p q, proof p -> proof q -> proof (And p q).
p : formula nil
q : formula nil
P : Prop
H : P
proof p
Require Import Program.
intros ? ? H; dependent destruction H; auto.
Print Assumptions proj1.
eq_rect_eq : forall (U : Type) (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) (h : p = p),
x = eq_rect p Q x p h
H0 : Inject [] P = And p q
proof p
try discriminate.
H : proof p
H1 : And p q = And p0 q0
proof p0
injection H1; intros.
Unfortunately, the "equality" that we expected between p and p0 comes in a strange form:
H3 : existT (fun Ts : list Type => formula Ts) []%list p =
existT (fun Ts : list Type => formula Ts) []%list p0
proof p0
It may take a bit of tinkering, but, reviewing Chapter 3's discussion of writing injection principles manually, it makes sense that an existT type is the most direct way to express the output of injection on a dependently typed constructor. The constructor And is dependently typed, since it takes a parameter Ts upon which the types of p and q depend. Let us not dwell further here on why this goal appears; the reader may like to attempt the (impossible) exercise of building a better injection lemma for And, without using axioms.
How exactly does an axiom come into the picture here? Let us ask crush to finish the proof.
H3 : existT (fun Ts : list Type => formula Ts) []%list p =
existT (fun Ts : list Type => formula Ts) []%list p0
proof p0
eq_rect_eq : forall (U : Type) (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) (h : p = p),
x = eq_rect p Q x p h
Lemma proj1_again'' : forall r, proof r
-> match r with
| And Ps p _ => match Ps return formula Ps -> Prop with
| nil => fun p => proof p
| _ => fun _ => True
end p
| _ => True
destruct 1; auto.
Theorem proj1_again : forall p q, proof (And p q) -> proof p.
intros ? ? H; exact (proj1_again'' H).
Print Assumptions proj1_again.
Closed under the global context
To give the semantics of terms, we will need to represent value environments, which assign each variable a term of the proper type.
Now imagine that we are writing some procedure that operates on a distinguished variable of type nat. A hypothesis formalizes this assumption, using the standard library function nth_error for looking up list elements by position.
It is not hard to use this hypothesis to write a function for extracting the nat value in position natIndex of values, starting with two helpful lemmas, each of which we finish with Defined to mark the lemma as transparent, so that its definition may be expanded during evaluation.
Lemma nth_error_nil : forall A n x,
nth_error (@nil A) n = Some x
-> False.
destruct n; simpl; unfold error; congruence.
Arguments nth_error_nil [A n x] _.
Lemma Some_inj : forall A (x y : A),
Some x = Some y
-> x = y.
Fixpoint getNat (types' : list Set) (values' : hlist (fun x : Set => x) types')
(natIndex : nat) : (nth_error types' natIndex = Some nat) -> nat :=
match values' with
| HNil => fun pf => match nth_error_nil pf with end
| HCons t ts x values'' =>
match natIndex return nth_error (t :: ts) natIndex = Some nat -> nat with
| O => fun pf =>
match Some_inj pf in _ = T return T with
| eq_refl => x
| S natIndex' => getNat values'' natIndex'
End withTypes.
Definition myTypes := unit :: nat :: bool :: nil.
Definition myValues : hlist (fun x : Set => x) myTypes :=
tt ::: 3 ::: false ::: HNil.
Definition myNatIndex := 1.
Theorem myNatIndex_ok : nth_error myTypes myNatIndex = Some nat.
Eval compute in getNat myValues myNatIndex myNatIndex_ok.
= 3
1 subgoal
pf : nth_error myTypes myNatIndex = Some nat
pf in (_ = y)
return (nat = match y with
| Some H => H
| None => nat
| eq_refl => eq_refl
end in (_ = T) return T
| eq_refl => 3
end = 3
Here is a definition of a function that turns out to be useful, though no doubt its purpose will be mysterious for now. A call update ls n x overwrites the nth position of the list ls with the value x, padding the end of the list with extra x values as needed to ensure sufficient length.
Fixpoint copies A (x : A) (n : nat) : list A :=
match n with
| O => nil
| S n' => x :: copies x n'
Fixpoint update A (ls : list A) (n : nat) (x : A) : list A :=
match ls with
| nil => copies x n ++ x :: nil
| y :: ls' => match n with
| O => x :: ls'
| S n' => y :: update ls' n' x
Now let us revisit the definition of getNat.
Here is the trick: instead of asserting properties about the list types, we build a "new" list that is guaranteed by construction to have those properties.
Now a bit of dependent pattern matching helps us rewrite getNat in a way that avoids any use of equality proofs.
Fixpoint skipCopies (n : nat)
: hlist (fun x : Set => x) (copies nat n ++ nat :: nil) -> nat :=
match n with
| O => fun vs => hhd vs
| S n' => fun vs => skipCopies n' (htl vs)
Fixpoint getNat' (types'' : list Set) (natIndex : nat)
: hlist (fun x : Set => x) (update types'' natIndex nat) -> nat :=
match types'' with
| nil => skipCopies natIndex
| t :: types0 =>
match natIndex return hlist (fun x : Set => x)
(update (t :: types0) natIndex nat) -> nat with
| O => fun vs => hhd vs
| S natIndex' => fun vs => getNat' types0 natIndex' (htl vs)
End withTypes'.
Now the surprise comes in how easy it is to use getNat'. While typing works by modification of a types list, we can choose parameters so that the modification has no effect.
The same parameters as before work without alteration, and we avoid use of axioms.